06 40 00 - Architectural Woodwork
Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theArchitectural Woodwork section of Sweets... more
Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theArchitectural Woodwork section of Sweets.
This page is designed to meet the needs of architects and design professionals who are researching, comparing, selecting and specifyingArchitectural Woodwork.
Each manufacturer's presentation is designed for the construction industry professional and displayed in a consistent manner.Architectural Woodwork content categories include: project galleries, specifications, BIM objects, CAD details, 3D Models, product catalogs and green product information.
Note to Building Product Manufacturers: Our goal is to include allArchitectural Woodwork
manufacturers who are providing building product information in the Sweets Network.
If your company is missing or you have noticed a mistake in one of the listings, please contact us today.
Sweets is meant to be the most comprehensive and useful tool for finding building products information.
Your feedback will help to ensure that design professionals obtain the information they need in the most useful form
and help building product manufacturers to improve their content. Please email us at:sweets@construction.com
with input for this site and/or feedback for the manufacturers. less
Results per page:
Unika Vaev - Folded Poetry CollectionDescription: The Folded Poetry Tile Collection by Eliza Redmann is a multi-dimensional symbol of her experience recovering from traumatic brain injury.
Feeney, Inc. - Level Rail KitDescription: This is a required component for level installation of DesignRail® Graspable Series 150 Railing Kit. Includes top and bottom rail, an intermediate picket, pre-drilled for 1/8" cable,...
Extrutech Plastics, Inc. - CBWM180 Rigid BrickmouldDescription: Extrutech Rigid Brickmould Item # CBWM180 can be used with our CB1700 Door Jamb, as a door trim, or decorative molding is of an exterior grade, hard, dense, rigid pvc, with a smooth flat surface...
Stairways, Inc. - Fully Assembled Spiral StairsDescription: Fully Assembled Spiral Stairs: Along with our wide range of wood spiral staircases, custom spiral staircases, and metal spiral staircase kits, Stairways Inc. also has a full line...