09 81 13 - Acoustic Board Insulation

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theAcoustic Board Insulation section of Sweets... more

Results per page:

Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - INVISACOUSTICS Walls: 1212WH
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - INVISACOUSTICS Walls: 1212WH
Description: Fine-textured hidden acoustical solution that maintains the integrity of exposed structure designs while reducing noise. Performance New Concrete Visual - Get...

Acoustical Surfaces, Inc. - Sound Silencer™ Tackable Acoustic Panels
Acoustical Surfaces, Inc. - Sound Silencer™ Tackable Acoustic Panels
Description: Sound Silencer tackable acoustic panels are unique - made from an innovative semirigid porous material, the panels are Class A fire rated with STC and NRC values.

Manufacturer: Acoustical Surfaces, Inc.

Category: ceiling panels | ceiling tiles | sound absorbers...

MasterFormat: Acoustic Board Insulation | Acoustical Ceilings | Acoustical Panel Ceilings...

PalmSHIELD - Acoustic Solid Panel
PalmSHIELD - Acoustic Solid Panel
Description: Acoustic Solid Incorporating any of PalmSHIELD’s solid panel infill with state of the art mass loaded vinyl noise barrier and Acoustical Surfaces Inc.® Silk metal box...

Manufacturer: PalmSHIELD

Category: noise mitigation | noise remediation | noise screens...

MasterFormat: Acoustic Board Insulation | Exterior Sound Screens | Site Improvements...

RPG Acoustical Systems, LLC - Perfecto® Micro Panel
RPG Acoustical Systems, LLC - Perfecto® Micro Panel
Description: The Perfecto ® Micro Panel is a simple but powerful union between architecture and acoustic performance. Utilizing hundreds of thousands of nom.

Rockfon - Rockfon® Island™
Rockfon - Rockfon® Island™
Description: Rockfon® Island™ stone wool frameless acoustical cloud ceiling panels feature excellent sound absorption and offer an innovative and aesthetically-pleasing option for open plenum...

Manufacturer: Rockfon

Category: acoustic panel | acoustical panels | rock wool insulation...

MasterFormat: Acoustic Board Insulation | Acoustic Treatment | Acoustic Insulation

Unika Vaev - Ecoustic® V Panel
Unika Vaev - Ecoustic® V Panel
Description: Ecoustic® V Panels are a captivating collection of acoustic panels meticulously crafted with an elegant shadow line groove for both aesthetic appeal and superior sound absorption.

Manufacturer: Unika Vaev

Category: 09 51 00 | acoustic ceiling baffles | ceiling panels...

MasterFormat: Acoustic Board Insulation | Ceilings | Acoustical Tile Ceilings...

Arizona Courtlines Inc. - Acoustical Wall Panel
Arizona Courtlines Inc. - Acoustical Wall Panel
Description: Acoustical Wall Panel with 1-1/8" Nominal Thickness. Size, Fabric and Color customizable Product No.: AWP118-_ x _ Installation:...

Manufacturer: Arizona Courtlines Inc.

Category: acoustical baffles | baffles | fabric panels...

MasterFormat: Acoustic Board Insulation | Acoustic Treatment | Fixed Sound-Absorptive Panels...

Cardinal Acoustics - Standard Interior Wall Panel
Cardinal Acoustics - Standard Interior Wall Panel
Description: Lightweight and abuse-resistant. Easily installed in new construction or in an existing building for highly effective sound control. Available in square and beveled edge...

Manufacturer: Cardinal Acoustics

Category: fiber board | fiber board panels | fiberboard...

MasterFormat: Acoustic Board Insulation | Prefinished Paneling | Board Paneling...

Eckel Industries, Inc. - Eckoustic Functional Panels
Eckel Industries, Inc. - Eckoustic Functional Panels
Description: Eckel’s Eckoustic Functional Panels (EFPs) provide a practical and economical way to drastically reduce the troublesome or hazardous acoustic conditions in a room or facility.

Manufacturer: Eckel Industries, Inc.

Category: acoustical barriers | noise absorber | noise reduction...

MasterFormat: Acoustic Board Insulation | Acoustical Ceilings | Wall Finishes...

Specialty Products & Insulation - SPI Absorption Plus® Acoustical Panels
Specialty Products & Insulation - SPI Absorption Plus® Acoustical Panels
Description: Absorption Plus® panels are designed to reduce reverberation and enhance a room’s acoustical properties. Constructed of high quality fiberglass substrate and face laminated fabric,...

Manufacturer: Specialty Products & Insulation

Category: noise reduction | noise suppression | sound barriers...

MasterFormat: Acoustic Board Insulation | Acoustic Treatment | Acoustic Insulation...

Description: SOUNDSTOP fiberboard is a high-quality, cost-effective solution to airborne sound reduction.


Category: acoustic board insulation | insulation panels | noiseproofing...

MasterFormat: Acoustic Board Insulation | Acoustic Treatment | Acoustic Insulation