PRODUCTS: 22 - Plumbing
Below you will find a count of manufacturers for products and services related to MasterFormat 22 - Plumbing.
To find out more detailed information about manufacturers listed in the division, including downloadable 3-part specifications, CAD details and BIM objects,
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The MasterFormat 22 - Plumbing sections shown below include manufacturers and associations on
Sweets that provide information and resources about general project requirements, performance requirements, general product requirements such as delivery and storage,
trade associations, reference standards, construction aids, software licensing requirements, and closeout requirements such as protecting installed construction.
Note to Building Product Manufacturers: Our goal is to include all manufacturers who are providing building product information in Sweets. If your company is missing or
you have noticed a mistake in one of the listings, please contact us today.less
Product Categories |
Items |
22 01 00 - Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing |
41 |
22 05 00 - Common Work Results for Plumbing |
472 |
22 05 19 - Meters and Gages for Plumbing Piping |
8 |
22 05 23 - General-Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping |
403 |
22 05 48 - Vibration and Seismic Controls for Plumbing Piping and Equipment |
2 |
22 05 53 - Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment |
28 |
22 07 00 - Plumbing Insulation |
1 |
22 07 16 - Plumbing Equipment Insulation |
3 |
22 07 19 - Plumbing Piping Insulation |
1 |
22 09 00 - Instrumentation and Control for Plumbing |
98 |
22 10 00 - Plumbing Piping |
710 |
22 11 63 - Gray-Water Pumps |
1 |
22 13 00 - Facility Sanitary Sewerage |
19 |
22 13 19 - Sanitary Waste Piping Specialties |
17 |
22 13 19.13 - Sanitary Drains |
17 |
22 13 29 - Sanitary Sewerage Pumps |
2 |
22 14 00 - Facility Storm Drainage |
708 |
22 14 13 - Facility Storm Drainage Piping |
14 |
22 14 26 - Facility Storm Drains |
655 |
22 14 26.13 - Roof Drains |
3 |
22 14 26.19 - Facility Trench Drains |
652 |
22 14 29 - Sump Pumps |
2 |
22 14 29.16 - Submersible Sump Pumps |
2 |
22 14 36 - Packaged, Submersible, Drainage Pump Units |
2 |
22 14 53 - Rainwater Storage Tanks |
1 |
22 15 00 - General Service Compressed-Air Systems |
13 |
22 30 00 - Plumbing Equipment |
33 |
22 33 00 - Electric Domestic Water Heaters |
19 |
22 33 13 - Instantaneous Electric Domestic Water Heaters |
8 |
22 33 30 - Residential, Electric Domestic Water Heaters |
12 |
22 35 00 - Domestic Water Heat Exchangers |
3 |
22 40 00 - Plumbing Fixtures |
13189 |
22 41 00 - Residential Plumbing Fixtures |
5160 |
22 41 13 - Residential Water Closets, Urinals, and Bidets |
424 |
22 41 13.13 - Residential Water Closets |
424 |
22 41 16 - Residential Lavatories and Sinks |
1283 |
22 41 19 - Residential Bathtubs |
83 |
22 41 23 - Residential Showers |
2651 |
22 41 36 - Residential Laundry Trays |
330 |
22 41 39 - Residential Faucets, Supplies, and Trim |
1593 |
22 42 00 - Commercial Plumbing Fixtures |
11967 |
22 42 13 - Commercial Water Closets, Urinals, and Bidets |
645 |
22 42 13.13 - Commercial Water Closets |
493 |
22 42 13.16 - Commercial Urinals |
177 |
22 42 16 - Commercial Lavatories and Sinks |
2290 |
22 42 16.13 - Commercial Lavatories |
2290 |
22 42 16.16 - Commercial Sinks |
2290 |
22 42 19 - Commercial Bathtubs |
61 |
22 42 23 - Commercial Showers |
2563 |
22 42 33 - Wash Fountains |
3 |
22 42 39 - Commercial Faucets, Supplies, and Trim |
3070 |
22 42 43 - Flushometers |
4309 |
22 43 00 - Healthcare Plumbing Fixtures |
775 |
22 43 16 - Healthcare Sinks |
238 |
22 43 39 - Healthcare Faucets |
309 |
22 43 43 - Healthcare Plumbing Fixture Flushometers |
228 |
22 45 00 - Emergency Plumbing Fixtures |
75 |
22 45 16 - Eyewash Equipment |
75 |
22 45 26 - Eye/Face Wash Equipment |
75 |
22 46 00 - Security Plumbing Fixtures |
7 |
22 46 39 - Security Faucets, Supplies, and Trim |
7 |
22 47 00 - Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers |
427 |
22 47 13 - Drinking Fountains |
270 |
22 50 00 - Pool and Fountain Plumbing Systems |
14 |
22 51 00 - Swimming Pool Plumbing Systems |
138 |
22 52 00 - Fountain Plumbing Systems |
3 |
22 52 13 - Fountain Piping |
3 |
22 52 16 - Fountain Pumps |
3 |
22 52 23 - Fountain Equipment Controls |
3 |
22 60 00 - Gas and Vacuum Systems for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities |
11 |
22 61 00 - Compressed-Air Systems for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities |
9 |
22 62 00 - Vacuum Systems for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities |
2 |
22 62 19 - Vacuum Equipment for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities |
2 |
22 62 19.53 - Laboratory Vacuum Equipment |
2 |
22 62 19.70 - Healthcare Vacuum Equipment |
2 |
22 62 19.74 - Dental Vacuum and Evacuation Equipment |
2 |