10 22 00 - Partitions

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in thePartitions section of Sweets... more

Results per page:

Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - INFUSIONS Resilient Partitions: 5845W24L96
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - INFUSIONS Resilient Partitions: 5845W24L96
Description: Transform existing shared spaces into segmented areas with nonporous and easily cleanable wall partitions artfully designed in a variety of patterns and colors.

Stained Glass Inc. - Stained Glass Applications - Offices
Stained Glass Inc. - Stained Glass Applications - Offices
Description: If you are looking to liven up your office building, stained glass is the way to go. Stained glass offers a sense of peace and positivity and serves a number of practical purposes.

Manufacturer: Stained Glass Inc.

Category: 12 50 00 | 125000 | dividers...

MasterFormat: Partitions | Art | Art Glass...

Beacon Industries, Inc. - Expandable Gates - Beacon® BALEXGATE Series
Beacon Industries, Inc. - Expandable Gates - Beacon® BALEXGATE Series
Description: The Expandable Gates are ideal for helping to prevent accidents and reduce injuries by limiting access to unsafe areas. This Warehouse Fence is interlocking and nestable, and its lightweight...

Rite-Hite - SCH Heavy-Duty Sliding Curtains
Rite-Hite - SCH Heavy-Duty Sliding Curtains
Description: SCH sliding curtain walls can be used as interior or exterior walls in virtually any facility, saving time and money when compared with permanent walls or rigid panelized systems.

Extrutech Plastics, Inc. - P022516 2 1/4 Inch Fitted Corner
Extrutech Plastics, Inc. - P022516 2 1/4 Inch Fitted Corner
Description: Extrutech 2 1/4" Fitted Corner, Item # P022516, used as a corner option of the Extrutech Partition Wall System. This corner trim allows the corner to be slipped over the sides of cut panels...

Manufacturer: Extrutech Plastics, Inc.

Category: 102000 | interior specialties | partitions...

MasterFormat: Partitions | Interior Specialties

List Industries Inc. - Portable Foot-Traffic Gates
List Industries Inc. - Portable Foot-Traffic Gates
Description: SECURITY • TRAFFIC CONTROL • PORTABILITY • In Stock for shipment within 5 days of receipt of order • Quick and easy installation. Install between two...

Vetrotech Saint-Gobain - VDS® Fire-Resistive Partition
Vetrotech Saint-Gobain - VDS® Fire-Resistive Partition
Description: SYSTEM Glass + frame FIRE-RESISTIVE 60-180 minutes EXTENDED FEATURES Multifunctionality

Art Metal Products, Inc. - Superior Portable Gates
Art Metal Products, Inc. - Superior Portable Gates
Description: SECURITY • TRAFFIC CONTROL • PORTABILITY • In Stock for shipment within 5 days of receipt of order • Quick and easy installation....

NanaWall Systems, Inc. - Sliding Glass Walls - Wood Frame - HSW66
NanaWall Systems, Inc. - Sliding Glass Walls - Wood Frame - HSW66
Description: Single Track, Solid Wood Enhanced Horizontal Roller and Guide Track Design Stack Panels Virtually Anywhere Single Track, Solid Wood

Manufacturer: NanaWall Systems, Inc.

Category: 10 20 00 | 102000 | hanging doors...

MasterFormat: Partitions | Sliding Wood Doors | Glass Doors...

Total Security Solutions - Bulletproof Polycarbonate Sheets
Total Security Solutions - Bulletproof Polycarbonate Sheets
Description: Polycarbonate security windows, while not made of actual glass, are optimal for interior use with a high resistance to forced entry.

Manufacturer: Total Security Solutions

Category: 08 80 00 | 088000 | impact-resistant panels...

MasterFormat: Partitions | Glazing | Security Glazing...

Plaskolite - OPTIX L Eco Shade - IR Reflective Acrylic Sheets
Plaskolite - OPTIX L Eco Shade - IR Reflective Acrylic Sheets
Description: Reflects more than 75% of infrared radiation present in sunlight. IR reflective sheet reduces heat transmitted through windows and skylights in the summer and eliminates heat loss in winter....

Manufacturer: Plaskolite

Category: colored glazing | plastic | sun control glazing...

MasterFormat: Partitions | Glazing | Plastic Glazing...

IQ Radiant Glass - Jansen Steel Windows - Economy 50 E30/EW30/E60/EW60 Fire Doors and Fire Rated Partitions
IQ Radiant Glass - Jansen Steel Windows - Economy 50 E30/EW30/E60/EW60 Fire Doors and Fire Rated Partitions
Description: Fire doors and fire-rated partitions of class E30/EW30/E60/EW60. Ratings up to E120 for partition walls. The profiles with a depth of 50mm have very narrow face widths.

Kwik-Wall - 3000 Series Operable Walls
Kwik-Wall - 3000 Series Operable Walls
Description: The industry’s premium performance steel panel operable wall, engineered at 4” panel thickness and manufactured for rugged durability to fit openings up to 30’ tall, and in...

Manufacturer: Kwik-Wall

Category: 10 20 00 | 102000 | auditorium partitions...

MasterFormat: Partitions | Interior Specialties | Operable Partitions...

Wallace Perimeter Security - CGTT Series SpeedGate
Wallace Perimeter Security - CGTT Series SpeedGate
Description: The Corridor SpeedGate is a high speed, pedestrian security gate solution. Factory-assembled and tested, the folding corridor gate is a standard 8 feet wide, and features a rapid cycle time of 7...

Won-Door Corporation - DuraSound Accordion-Folding, Sound-Rated Partition
Won-Door Corporation - DuraSound Accordion-Folding, Sound-Rated Partition
Description: Won-Door’s accordion-folding, sound-rated partitions allow for maximum flexibility and utilization of space. Adding functional yet attractive space for meetings, learning or privacy...

Advanced Equipment Corp. - Image Operable Walls
Advanced Equipment Corp. - Image Operable Walls
Description: No floor track required for most models. Heights up to 30′, widths for single panels 60″, 96″ and 180″

Luxyclad - Louvres and Battens
Luxyclad - Louvres and Battens
Description: Luxylouvre is a long term product with a multitude of design and utility possibilities with ceilings, fencing, shading, and privacy screens just being a named few. An engineered snap-fit design...