08 84 00 - Plastic Glazing

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in thePlastic Glazing section of Sweets... more

Results per page:

Total Security Solutions - Bulletproof Polycarbonate Sheets
Total Security Solutions - Bulletproof Polycarbonate Sheets
Description: Polycarbonate security windows, while not made of actual glass, are optimal for interior use with a high resistance to forced entry.

Manufacturer: Total Security Solutions

Category: 08 80 00 | 10 20 00 | interior specialties...

MasterFormat: Plastic Glazing | Security Glazing | Ballistics-Resistant Glazing...

Plaskolite - TUFFAK UV Polycarbonate Sheets
Plaskolite - TUFFAK UV Polycarbonate Sheets
Description: TUFFAK UV polycarbonate sheet is an enhanced UV-resistant product with exceptional weatherability and superior impact strength.

Manufacturer: Plaskolite

Category: impact resistant glazing | polycarbonate sheets | safety glazing...

MasterFormat: Plastic Glazing | Glazing | Special Function Glazing

Crane Composites - Duralite® Daylighting Panels
Crane Composites - Duralite® Daylighting Panels
Description: Our Duralite daylighting products are available in translucent and opaque options. This product is used where weather characteristics are required. Duralite also offers light transmission,...

Natare Corporation - Natare SOLID™ Floor & Deck Surfacing
Natare Corporation - Natare SOLID™ Floor & Deck Surfacing
Description: Natare SOLID creates a durable, watertight, and slip-resistant surface in areas where water or wet environments exist.

Manufacturer: Natare Corporation

Category: 08 50 00 | 08 80 00 | 088000...

MasterFormat: Plastic Glazing | Glazing | Swimming Pools...

A&L Shielding - Bullet Resistant Polycarbonate
A&L Shielding - Bullet Resistant Polycarbonate
Description: Bullet Resistant Polycarbonate is manufactured to high tolerances without ripples or wave patterns and is a non-ricochet material. When fired upon, this product will not ricochet the bullet or...

Impact Security LLC - Defenselite Pro Security Glazing System
Impact Security LLC - Defenselite Pro Security Glazing System
Description: About DefenseLite Pro for Advanced Glass Security & Loss Prevention DefenseLite Pro is an extra protection security glazing system that installs over commercial windows and...

Manufacturer: Impact Security LLC

Category: 08 80 00 | 088000 | over glazing sheets...

MasterFormat: Plastic Glazing | Storefronts | Special Function Glazing...