09 67 23 - Resinous Flooring

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in the Resinous Flooring section of Sweets... more

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LATICRETE International, Inc. - SPARTACOTE® Urethane Cement ATS
LATICRETE International, Inc. - SPARTACOTE® Urethane Cement ATS
Description: Features & Benefits Seamless finish Excellent abrasion, impact and chemical resistance Resistant to thermal shock Resistant to fungi...

Sika Corporation - Sikafloor Quartzite - Sikafloor Decodur Quartz TG Trowel Grade Quartz System
Sika Corporation - Sikafloor Quartzite - Sikafloor Decodur Quartz TG Trowel Grade Quartz System
Description: Sikafloor DecoDur Quartz TG is a troweled floor system built with a high solids epoxy and colored quartz aggregates. The system produces a robust, decorative, low maintenance, seamless flooring...

Manufacturer: Sika Corporation

Category: aggregate flooring | granular coatings | poured-in-place flooring...

MasterFormat: Resinous Flooring | Flooring | Fluid-Applied Flooring...

Key Resin Company - Industrial Flooring Systems - Key Urecon TG System
Key Resin Company - Industrial Flooring Systems - Key Urecon TG System
Description: KEY URECON TG is a heavy duty, trowel applied urethane modified cementitious topping. High impact resistance and excellent thermal shock and chemical resistance make Key Urecon TG ideal for use...

Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring - Resuflor™ Deco Quartz TG46
Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring - Resuflor™ Deco Quartz TG46
Description: Formerly Ceram. An aesthetically pleasing, durable finish with the strength of industrial epoxy mortars.

FlowResin - Antimicrobial Cementitious Urethane Flooring - Flowfresh HF (1/4” - 3/8”)
FlowResin - Antimicrobial Cementitious Urethane Flooring - Flowfresh HF (1/4” - 3/8”)
Description: A trowel-applied, heavy-duty and HACCP International certified antimicrobial treated cementitious urethane mortar. Flowfresh HF provides a durable, anti-slip finish, which is resistant to...

Manufacturer: FlowResin

Category: 09 60 00 | commercial flooring | corrosion resistant flooring...

MasterFormat: Resinous Flooring | Fluid-Applied Flooring | Painting and Coating...

Elite Crete Systems - REFLECTOR™ Enhancer Flooring Systems
Elite Crete Systems - REFLECTOR™ Enhancer Flooring Systems
Description: The REFLECTOR™ Enhancer Flooring System is a specialty, high build, self-leveling, fluid-applied floor coating.

Endurable Concrete Products - Concrete Armor
Endurable Concrete Products - Concrete Armor
Description: Endurable Concrete Armor is cutting edge epoxy technology that is engineered to bond to power troweled concrete at an unimaginable bond strength of over 1000 psi. The use of polymeric chips,...

SpeedCove - Pre-Formed Sanitary Cove Base for Epoxy/Resinous Floor Systems
SpeedCove - Pre-Formed Sanitary Cove Base for Epoxy/Resinous Floor Systems
Description: The original pre-formed system for the epoxy flooring industry, SpeedCove Precast Cove Base Systems create a consistent, uniform, and durable cove base quickly & easily with all floor...

Manufacturer: SpeedCove

Category: floor trim | fluid-applied flooring | liquid flooring...

MasterFormat: Resinous Flooring | Flooring | Fluid-Applied Flooring...