Search Results for category granular coatings

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category granular coatings ... more

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LATICRETE International, Inc. - SPARTACOTE® Blended Chip Decorative Finish
LATICRETE International, Inc. - SPARTACOTE® Blended Chip Decorative Finish
Description: SPARTACOTE Blended Chip (also commonly referred to as flake) provide consistent color and texture to seamless resinous floors as part of the SPARTACOTE CHIP System.

Sika Corporation - Sikafloor Purcem-SLB+ Self-Leveling Broadcast Cementitious Urethane Slurry
Sika Corporation - Sikafloor Purcem-SLB+ Self-Leveling Broadcast Cementitious Urethane Slurry
Description: Engineered with Sikafloor 22 NA PurCem, these systems are self-leveling, heavy-duty, solid color, phthalate free, water dispersed polyurethane based cement, and aggregate slurries.

Key Resin Company - Moisture Vapor Control Systems - Key Epocon SLT System
Key Resin Company - Moisture Vapor Control Systems - Key Epocon SLT System
Description: KEY EPOCON SLT contains graded aggregates combined with a unique epoxy technology to produce a fluid, self-leveling mixture that is spread with a gauge rake, squeegee or trowel.

Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring - Resuflor™ Topfloor MER II
Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring - Resuflor™ Topfloor MER II
Description: Formerly Epo-Flex MER II. A mechanical equipment room flooring system combining crack bridging and waterproofing capabilities with a chemically resistant topcoat.

Life Science Products - SeamTek™ Epoxy Quartz Flooring Type 3Q
Life Science Products - SeamTek™ Epoxy Quartz Flooring Type 3Q
Description: SeamTek™ Type 3Q Epoxy Quartz Flooring incorporates specifically formulated resins as the backbone of the system. Type 3 is 3/16” thick to perform best under changing temperature...

Manufacturer: Life Science Products

Category: granular coatings | commercial flooring | floor trim...

MasterFormat: Flooring | Fluid-Applied Flooring | Quartz Flooring...

Elite Crete Systems - HERMETIC™ Quartz Flooring System
Elite Crete Systems - HERMETIC™ Quartz Flooring System
Description: The HERMETIC™ Quartz Flooring System is a high build, double broadcast system using a decorative colored quartz aggregate and sealed with a protective top coat.