31 35 19 - Geosynthetic Slope Protection

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theGeosynthetic Slope Protection section of Sweets... more

Results per page:

Plasti-Fab - GeoSpec® Lightweight Fill
Plasti-Fab - GeoSpec® Lightweight Fill
Description: GeoSpec® lightweight fill material is expanded polystyrene (EPS) geofoam used in ground fill applications where a lightweight fill material is required to reduce stresses on underlying or...

Manufacturer: Plasti-Fab

Category: earth work | earthwork methods | ground stabilization...

MasterFormat: Geosynthetic Slope Protection | Earthwork Methods | Soil Stabilization...

Triton Environmental - Triaxial Geogrids
Triton Environmental - Triaxial Geogrids
Description: We offer a wide variety of geogrids to fit your project needs. Geogrids are designed and used for reinforcing soils. They can be used in retaining walls, roadways and steepened...

Invisible Structures - SLOPETAME3 - Erosion Control System
Invisible Structures - SLOPETAME3 - Erosion Control System
Description: Made From 100% Recycled Plastic Slopetame 3 provides an immediate and permanent solution to erosion and sedimentation problems.