03 60 00 - Grouting

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theGrouting section of Sweets... more

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LATICRETE International, Inc. - SPECTRALOCK® 1 Pre-Mixed Grout
LATICRETE International, Inc. - SPECTRALOCK® 1 Pre-Mixed Grout
Description: Never before has a pre-mixed grout offered the superior strength and performance of an epoxy grout, now found in SPECTRALOCK® 1! This patent pending, professional grade grout offers all the...

Manufacturer: LATICRETE International, Inc.

Category: 09 30 00 | premix grout | premixed grout...

MasterFormat: Grouting | Epoxy Grouting | Tiling...

Sika Corporation - Polyurethane Grouts - SikaFix® HH Hydrophilic
Sika Corporation - Polyurethane Grouts - SikaFix® HH Hydrophilic
Description: low Viscosity, expanding, polyurethane chemical grout SikaFix® HH Hydrophilic is a nonflammable hydrophilic polyurethane resin designed to form a flexible gasket or...

Manufacturer: Sika Corporation

Category: concrete joint grout | grouting | polyurethane grout...

MasterFormat: Grouting

Solomon Colors, Inc. - Stampable Overlay
Solomon Colors, Inc. - Stampable Overlay
Description: Stamp concrete without pouring a new slab. Stampable Overlay is applied over existing, structurally sound concrete, stamped using Brickform textures marked “S/O”, and allowed to...

Ameristar Fence Products - Quik-Rok Fast-Setting Cement Grout & Additive
Ameristar Fence Products - Quik-Rok Fast-Setting Cement Grout & Additive
Description: Fast Setting Cement Grout & Additive Quik-Rok is a chemically engineered cement grout; which when mixed with water forms a pourable mix whose self-leveling...

FlowResin - Cementitious Floor Grouts - Isocrete 1500P
FlowResin - Cementitious Floor Grouts - Isocrete 1500P
Description: A polymer-modified, cementitious, single component surfacing compound designed for use on new orworn concrete substrates.