Search Results for manufacturer DoorKing, Inc.

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term manufacturer DoorKing, Inc. ... more

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DoorKing, Inc. - 1601 Parking Control Barrier Gate Operator
DoorKing, Inc. - 1601 Parking Control Barrier Gate Operator
Description: A quick 2.5 second rotation opening time along with rugged construction and multiple optional features make this 1601 a versatile answer to many parking control problems. The 1601 is available...

DoorKing, Inc. - 1602 Parking Control Barrier Gate Operator
DoorKing, Inc. - 1602 Parking Control Barrier Gate Operator
Description: The 1602 operator is designed for traffic lanes up to 27-feet wide in low use commercial and industrial applications. This operator uses a counter-balanced three-piece wishbone style arm...

Manufacturer: DoorKing, Inc.

Category: barriers | specialty equipment | traffic gates...

MasterFormat: Vehicle and Pedestrian Equipment | Parking Control Equipment | Parking Gates

DoorKing, Inc. - 1603 AutoSpikes
DoorKing, Inc. - 1603 AutoSpikes
Description: The DKS 1603 Barrier Gate Operator / Automated Spike System is designed as a modular system allowing for easy flexibility in different applications and easy installation. The 1603 Operator is...

DoorKing, Inc. - 1625 Surface Mount Wedge Barrier System
DoorKing, Inc. - 1625 Surface Mount Wedge Barrier System
Description: The DKS Wedge Barrier Accessory System is designed to be used with the 1602-590 operator. The Wedge Barrier is ideal in applications where a higher degree of vehicle traffic control is desired,...

DoorKing, Inc. - 1620 Lane Barrier
DoorKing, Inc. - 1620 Lane Barrier
Description: The DKS Lane Barrier Accessory System is designed to be used with the 1603-580 Operator.

DoorKing, Inc. - 1610 Warning Signs & Traffic Signal
DoorKing, Inc. - 1610 Warning Signs & Traffic Signal
Description: Warning signs and traffic signals are used with traffic control spikes and auto-spikes to inform drivers that a one way lane condition exist and that proceeding in the wrong direction, or before...

DoorKing, Inc. - 1610 Traffic Spikes
DoorKing, Inc. - 1610 Traffic Spikes
Description: Traffic control spikes are ideal for controlling traffic direction and speed through a controlled entry location. Traffic spikes prevent vehicles from proceeding through a traffic lane in the...