Search Results for category barriers

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category barriers ... more

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The 4 Kids - Putnam Bollard Planter
The 4 Kids - Putnam Bollard Planter
Description: When you need a tough, attractive planter for your site, the Putnam Bollard Planter is a smart solution. Built using glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC), this sturdy site amenity is...

Landscape Forms, Inc. - Annapolis Bollard
Landscape Forms, Inc. - Annapolis Bollard
Description: The Annapolis bollard is a handsome sentinel that performs multiple maneuvers with style. The standard bollard and illuminated bollard with solar powered LED lighting share the same basic design...

PalmSHIELD - Playsafe Vehicle Barrier W-Beam Guardrail
PalmSHIELD - Playsafe Vehicle Barrier W-Beam Guardrail
Description: Playgrounds that adjoin parking lots that do not have the required separation, existing curbing or barriers will require a vehicle barrier be placed between the parked cars and the playground.

Nixalite of America Inc. - FliteLine Cable
Nixalite of America Inc. - FliteLine Cable
Description: All stainless, 1x7, 1/32" dia. UV jacket cable in 100, 300 and 600 foot spools.

Beacon Industries, Inc. - Bolt On Guard Rail - Beacon® Bolt On Guard Rail
Beacon Industries, Inc. - Bolt On Guard Rail - Beacon® Bolt On Guard Rail
Description: Tuff Guard - Bolt On Guard Rail system helps provide a safe working environment while protecting personnel. Improve efficiency while protecting machinery, tool cribs, production line products,...

Petersen Precast Site Furnishings - BB Bollard Series
Petersen Precast Site Furnishings - BB Bollard Series
Description: Spherical bollards provide beauty with enhanced security. Petersen Mfg. precast concrete products are steel-reinforced, and built to meet or exceed any industry standard for strength and...

Rite-Hite - GuardRite Retractable Barrier
Rite-Hite - GuardRite Retractable Barrier
Description: The GuardRite Retractable Bollard stores flush with the floor surface and pairs with GuardRite Removable Handrails making it perfect for protecting non-restricted areas.

DoorKing, Inc. - 1602 Parking Control Barrier Gate Operator
DoorKing, Inc. - 1602 Parking Control Barrier Gate Operator
Description: The 1602 operator is designed for traffic lanes up to 27-feet wide in low use commercial and industrial applications. This operator uses a counter-balanced three-piece wishbone style arm...

Stromberg Architectural Products - Bollards
Stromberg Architectural Products - Bollards
Description: What are Bollards? Bollards are posts, balls, planters or other objects used to restrict motor vehicle traffic. Normally bollards are short, about three feet...

Delta Scientific Corporation - DSC1500 High Security Crash Certified Portable Beams Barriers
Delta Scientific Corporation - DSC1500 High Security Crash Certified Portable Beams Barriers
Description: Delta’s new DSC1500 portable beam barricade that sets up quickly and temporarily to block vehicles. The new portable barricade secures locations during short-term events and anywhere a...

Ameristar Fence Products - Stalwart Optima Fiber Rope Anti-Ram Barrier
Ameristar Fence Products - Stalwart Optima Fiber Rope Anti-Ram Barrier
Description: Fiber Rope Anti-Ram Barrier Stalwart OptimaFiber Rope System redefines and sets the standard in vehicle crash protection for the 21st century.

Global Material Technologies - 6" T Rubber Door Bottom Seal
Global Material Technologies - 6" T Rubber Door Bottom Seal
Description: Reduce maintenance costs and improve health and safety regulatory compliance with Xcluder® Door Bottom Seals. The soft seals on overhead garage doorrs and roll-up doors provide little...

AutoGate, Inc. - M50 (K12) Shield Crash Barrier
AutoGate, Inc. - M50 (K12) Shield Crash Barrier
Description: THE SHIELD® holds a DOS K12 (L3) /ASTM F2656 M50-P1, a DOS K8 (L3) /ASTM F2656 M40-P1, and a DOS K4 (L3)/ASTM F2656 M30-P1 Crash rating.

Bird Barrier America, Inc. - Bird-Flite® Bird Spikes
Bird Barrier America, Inc. - Bird-Flite® Bird Spikes
Description: Bird-Flite® has a polycarbonate base and stainless steel spikes. It is available in three widths, to accommodate varying surfaces. Each section is 1 ft. long. Don't use where birds are...

Ameristar Security Products, Inc. - Ultra Shallow Bollard Series
Ameristar Security Products, Inc. - Ultra Shallow Bollard Series
Description: Fixed or Removable - M50, PAS 68 (M40) & K4 (M30) - Ultra Shallow Mount Ameristar's Ultra Shallow bollards are quick and easy to install crash-rated bollards...

Save-ty Yellow Products - Direct Bury Steel Bollards
Save-ty Yellow Products - Direct Bury Steel Bollards
Description: Direct Bury Steel Bollards protect a variety of facility assets from impact. Direct Bury Bollards offer a barrier for all sorts of different applications. Available in a...

J.C. MacElroy Company, Inc. - Trash Receptacle Bollard
J.C. MacElroy Company, Inc. - Trash Receptacle Bollard
Description: Designed to look like a real mooring device, MacElroy’s trash receptacle bollard provides the functionality of a waste container without compromising a site’s aesthetics

VANGUARD ADA SYSTEMS - DisposaCones Recyclable Safety Cones
VANGUARD ADA SYSTEMS - DisposaCones Recyclable Safety Cones
Description: A division of Vanguard ADA Systems - Safe for the jobsite, emergency, and the environment What makes DisposaCone’s the better choice? 18 inches...