Search Results for category ultra violet resistant flooring

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category ultra violet resistant flooring ... more

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LATICRETE International, Inc. - SPARTACOTE® Blended Chip Decorative Finish
LATICRETE International, Inc. - SPARTACOTE® Blended Chip Decorative Finish
Description: SPARTACOTE Blended Chip (also commonly referred to as flake) provide consistent color and texture to seamless resinous floors as part of the SPARTACOTE CHIP System.

Tiles of Europe - Vintage Cabin Commercial Luxury Vinyl Tile
Tiles of Europe - Vintage Cabin Commercial Luxury Vinyl Tile
Description: Rigid Core Vinyl Plank. Nano Silver Anti-Scratch & Anti-Microbial UV Coating.

Manufacturer: Tiles of Europe

Category: ultra-violet resistant flooring | luxury vinyl plank flooring | plank flooring...

MasterFormat: Flooring | Resilient Flooring | Vinyl Tile Flooring

Key Resin Company - Industrial Flooring Systems - Key Urecon TG System
Key Resin Company - Industrial Flooring Systems - Key Urecon TG System
Description: KEY URECON TG is a heavy duty, trowel applied urethane modified cementitious topping. High impact resistance and excellent thermal shock and chemical resistance make Key Urecon TG ideal for use...

Manufacturer: Key Resin Company

Category: ultra-violet resistant flooring | 09 60 00 | food service flooring systems...

MasterFormat: Maintenance of Concrete | Dampproofing and Waterproofing | Flooring...

Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring - FasTop™ Deco Flake SL45
Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring - FasTop™ Deco Flake SL45
Description: Formerly Bioflake. A decorative flooring system designed to provide a functional yet aesthetic floor system where a decorative heavy-duty floor is desired.

FlowResin - Antimicrobial Cementitious Urethane Flooring - Flowfresh SL (1/8” - 3/16”)
FlowResin - Antimicrobial Cementitious Urethane Flooring - Flowfresh SL (1/8” - 3/16”)
Description: A slurry-broadcast, cost effective and HACCP International certified antimicrobial treated cementitious urethane floor system. Flowfresh SL provides an excellent alternative to traditional epoxy...

Manufacturer: FlowResin

Category: ultra-violet resistant flooring | decorative flooring | food service flooring systems...

MasterFormat: Fluid-Applied Flooring | Resinous Flooring | Painting and Coating...