10 81 13 - Bird Control Devices

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in the Bird Control Devices section of Sweets... more

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Nixalite of America Inc. - Nixalite Model S Bird Spikes
Nixalite of America Inc. - Nixalite Model S Bird Spikes
Description: Our #1 Best Selling and Most Effective Bird Spike Premium Model S Nixalite is our stainless steel, full row bird control spike that deters all pest birds...

Global Material Technologies - Xcluder® Blocks - Case
Global Material Technologies - Xcluder® Blocks - Case
Description: XCLUDER®; BLOCKS are the ideal exclusion material for all cracks, holes and openings where birds are nesting or roosting. Easy to handle 2" x 2" x 7.5" offer the perfect...

Manufacturer: Global Material Technologies

Category: bird repellents | pest control | pest exclusion...

MasterFormat: Bird Control Devices | Other Specialties | Pest Control Devices...

Bird Barrier America, Inc. - Bird-Flite® Bird Spikes
Bird Barrier America, Inc. - Bird-Flite® Bird Spikes
Description: Bird-Flite® has a polycarbonate base and stainless steel spikes. It is available in three widths, to accommodate varying surfaces. Each section is 1 ft. long. Don't use where birds are...

Manufacturer: Bird Barrier America, Inc.

Category: bird barriers | bird control spikes | pest exclusion...

MasterFormat: Bird Control Devices | Other Specialties | Pest Control Devices