08 33 44 - Overhead Coiling Fire Curtains

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theOverhead Coiling Fire Curtains section of Sweets... more

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Overhead Door Corporation - Fire-Rated Integral Frame & Sill Counter Doors 662
Overhead Door Corporation - Fire-Rated Integral Frame & Sill Counter Doors 662
Description: Model 662 fire-rated counter doors an integral frame are suited for many applications including schools, retail settings, hospitals, food service counters, concessions and cafeterias.

Wayne-Dalton - Models 540 and 550 Fire Rated Counter Shutters - FireStar®
Wayne-Dalton - Models 540 and 550 Fire Rated Counter Shutters - FireStar®
Description: The FireStar ® Models 540 and 550 fire rated counter shutters satisfy the demands of applications that require certified and labeled fire protection for your property as well as a...

Manufacturer: Wayne-Dalton

Category: coiling doors | commercial coiling doors | roll-up counter shutters...

MasterFormat: Overhead Coiling Fire Curtains | Coiling Counter Doors | Overhead Coiling Doors...

Raynor Garage Doors - FireCoil™ Fire-rated Rolling Doors
Raynor Garage Doors - FireCoil™ Fire-rated Rolling Doors
Description: Where safety and fire protection are crucial, choose FireCoil. Raynor FireCoil fire-rated rolling doors are the standard for facilities that require a listed fire door in a rated firewall.

Manufacturer: Raynor Garage Doors

Category: coiling shutters | doors | rolling doors...

MasterFormat: Overhead Coiling Fire Curtains | Coiling Doors and Grilles | Overhead Coiling Doors...

Amarr® Garage Doors - Amarr® 4200 Series - Rolling Slat and Grille Doors
Amarr® Garage Doors - Amarr® 4200 Series - Rolling Slat and Grille Doors
Description: Overview For unequaled protection and simplicity of testing, the Amarr 4200 series fire door provides a new dimension to fire protection. The Amarr 4200 series secures openings...

Manufacturer: Amarr® Garage Doors

Category: coiling doors | interior roll-up doors | overhead doors...

MasterFormat: Overhead Coiling Fire Curtains | Specialty Doors and Frames | Coiling Doors and Grilles...

Cookson - Firemiser Insulated Rolling Fire Door
Cookson - Firemiser Insulated Rolling Fire Door
Description: Our Firemiser rolling door offers all of the life safety benefits of a rolling fire door along with the energy efficiency and sound reduction of an insulated rolling door.

Manufacturer: Cookson

Category: automatic doors | fire-rated doors | metal roll-up doors...

MasterFormat: Overhead Coiling Fire Curtains | Specialty Doors and Frames | Coiling Doors and Grilles...

Cornell - SmokeShield® Fabric Smoke & Fire Doors
Cornell - SmokeShield® Fabric Smoke & Fire Doors
Description: The SmokeShield® Fabric Smoke and Fire innovation offers a new way to compartmentalize open areas, creating a smoke and fire barrier.

Manufacturer: Cornell

Category: 08 33 43 | 083343 | coiling doors...

MasterFormat: Overhead Coiling Fire Curtains | Specialty Doors and Frames | Coiling Doors and Grilles...

C.H.I. Overhead Doors - Rolling Doors - Rolling Fire Doors
C.H.I. Overhead Doors - Rolling Doors - Rolling Fire Doors
Description: Our roll-up fire doors meet all of your compliance needs, including practical drop testing and positive crisis response. And they’re guaranteed to provide you with reliable, predictable,...