03 54 00 - Cast Underlayment

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theCast Underlayment section of Sweets... more

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LATICRETE International, Inc. - PRIME-N-BOND® Primer
LATICRETE International, Inc. - PRIME-N-BOND® Primer
Description: PRIME-N-BOND is a versatile, ready-to-use, single coat, low VOC primer designed to enhance the adhesion of mortars to many smooth and non-absorptive substrates that can be difficult to bond to....

Sika Corporation - Flooring Levelers & Patches - Sika® Level-125
Sika Corporation - Flooring Levelers & Patches - Sika® Level-125
Description: Durable, cementitious, self-leveling underlayment Sika® Level-125 is a one part, polymer modified, pumpable self-leveling underlayment for the leveling and...

Manufacturer: Sika Corporation

Category: floor levelers | floor underlayment | flooring underlayment...

MasterFormat: Cast Underlayment | Cast Decks and Underlayment | Flooring...

Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring - Resuflor™ Screed SF
Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring - Resuflor™ Screed SF
Description: Formerly TPM 79. A high solids epoxy mortar underlayment system designed for sloping and filling applications.

Maxxon Corporation - Gyp-Crete® High Performance Gypsum Floor Underlayment
Maxxon Corporation - Gyp-Crete® High Performance Gypsum Floor Underlayment
Description: THE STRONGEST MATCH FOR MODERN FLOORING. Specially formulated for modern floor coverings, including LVT Exceeds commercial flooring...

FlowResin - Cementitious Floor Grouts - Isocrete 1500P
FlowResin - Cementitious Floor Grouts - Isocrete 1500P
Description: A polymer-modified, cementitious, single component surfacing compound designed for use on new or worn concrete substrates.