Search Results for Category-fabric-covered partitions

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term Category-fabric-covered partitions ... more

Results per page:

Modernfold, Inc. - Modernfold® Accordion Partitions - MD800
Modernfold, Inc. - Modernfold® Accordion Partitions - MD800
Description: With accordion doors and partitions from Modernfold, putting space to new use is as simple as drawing a curtain.

Manufacturer: Modernfold, Inc.

Category: fabric-covered partitions | 102000 | electrically operated partitions...

MasterFormat: Specialty Doors and Frames | Interior Specialties | Partitions...

Kwik-Wall - 3000 Series Operable Walls
Kwik-Wall - 3000 Series Operable Walls
Description: The industry’s premium performance steel panel operable wall, engineered at 4” panel thickness and manufactured for rugged durability to fit openings up to 30’ tall, and in...

Manufacturer: Kwik-Wall

Category: fabric-covered partitions | 102000 | acoustic control partitions...

MasterFormat: Interior Specialties | Partitions | Operable Partitions...

Advanced Equipment Corp. - Image Operable Walls
Advanced Equipment Corp. - Image Operable Walls
Description: No floor track required for most models. Heights up to 30′, widths for single panels 60″, 96″ and 180″