Search Results for Category-commercial building wraps

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term Category-commercial building wraps ... more

Results per page:

Sika Corporation - Air Barriers - SikaMembran®-540
Sika Corporation - Air Barriers - SikaMembran®-540
Description: Self-Adhesive Air / Vapor Barrier SikaMembran®-540 is a self-adhering sheet membrane consisting of an engineered block-copolymer adhesive on a durable, conformable...

Manufacturer: Sika Corporation

Category: commercial building wraps | air barriers | vapor barriers...

MasterFormat: Thermal Protection | Weather Barriers | Vapor Retarders...

Carlisle SynTec Systems - NVELOP Entire Building Envelope
Carlisle SynTec Systems - NVELOP Entire Building Envelope
Description: Get unmatched, single-source warranty protection for your entire building envelope. NVELOP offers the industry’s most comprehensive building envelope system including roofing, air and...

Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing, Inc. - Air & Vapor Barriers - Fire Resist Barritech NP
Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing, Inc. - Air & Vapor Barriers - Fire Resist Barritech NP
Description: Air & Vapor Barriers - Fire Resist Barritech NP Model: Air & Vapor Barriers - Fire Resist Barritech NP Fire Resistant, non-permeable, synthetic polymer. MOISTURE PROTECTION. ENERGY EFFICIENCY. INDOOR COMFORT. Air and vapor barriers are critical to building longevity. As an innovator in AVB...

Versico Roofing Systems - NVELOP Building Envelope System
Versico Roofing Systems - NVELOP Building Envelope System
Description: Get unmatched, single-source warranty protection for your entire building envelope. NVELOP offers the industry’s most comprehensive building envelope system including roofing, air and...

Manufacturer: Versico Roofing Systems

Category: commercial building wraps | vapor barriers | wall insulation...

MasterFormat: Thermal Protection | Vapor Retarders | Elastomeric Membrane Roofing...