07 25 00 - Weather Barriers

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theWeather Barriers section of Sweets... more

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USG - Securock® ExoAir® 430 Air Barrier System
USG - Securock® ExoAir® 430 Air Barrier System
Description: Securock® ExoAir® 430 Sheathing Panel includes a factory-applied air and water membrane designed to provide superior protection for the building envelope.

Manufacturer: USG

Category: fiberglass faced gypsum board | fire resistant wallboard | gypsum board...

MasterFormat: Weather Barriers | Gypsum Sheathing | Cementitious Sheathing...

LATICRETE International, Inc. - MVIS™ Air & Water Barrier
LATICRETE International, Inc. - MVIS™ Air & Water Barrier
Description: MVIS Air & Water Barrier is single component, load bearing, fluid applied, waterproofing, crack isolation, air barrier membrane.

Sika Corporation - Air Barriers - Sikagard®-535
Sika Corporation - Air Barriers - Sikagard®-535
Description: Liquid Applied Acrylic Vapor Permeable Air Barrier Sikagard®-535 Liquid Applied Acrylic Vapor Permeable Air Barrier is a low VOC, single-component liquid applied, elastomeric...

PROSOCO Inc. - Cat 5 Rain Screen - Air and Water-Resistive Barrier for Rain Screen Construction
PROSOCO Inc. - Cat 5 Rain Screen - Air and Water-Resistive Barrier for Rain Screen Construction
Description: Cat 5 Rain Screen is an air and waterproof barrier that goes on the wall with a sprayer or roller to produce a highly durable, seamless, elastomeric weatherproof membrane on exterior sheathing...

Carlisle SynTec Systems - NVELOP Entire Building Envelope
Carlisle SynTec Systems - NVELOP Entire Building Envelope
Description: Get unmatched, single-source warranty protection for your entire building envelope. NVELOP offers the industry’s most comprehensive building envelope system including roofing, air and...

Versico Roofing Systems - NVELOP Building Envelope System
Versico Roofing Systems - NVELOP Building Envelope System
Description: Get unmatched, single-source warranty protection for your entire building envelope. NVELOP offers the industry’s most comprehensive building envelope system including roofing, air and...

Dow - DOWSIL™ DefendAir 200C Air & Weather Barrier Coating
Dow - DOWSIL™ DefendAir 200C Air & Weather Barrier Coating
Description: A 100% silicone liquid applied Air and Weather Barrier designed to protect against air infiltration and water penetration.

Manufacturer: Dow

Category: 09 70 00 | vapor permeable air barriers | wall finishes...

MasterFormat: Weather Barriers | Special Wall Surfacing | Painting and Coating...

American Fiber Cement - Delta Vent SA Weather Barrier
American Fiber Cement - Delta Vent SA Weather Barrier
Description: The gray, self-adhering, tear-resistant, vapor-permeable air and moisture barrier membrane of Delta Vent SA adheres to the substrate without fasteners.

Fi-Foil Company, Inc. - SkyFlex Flexible Sheet Air Barrier
Fi-Foil Company, Inc. - SkyFlex Flexible Sheet Air Barrier
Description: Product Visualizer SkyFlex is a tough, flexible air barrier for use in residential and commercial building applications. The product consists of two layers of aluminum...