Air Barriers - SikaMembran®-540
Self-Adhesive Air / Vapor Barrier
SikaMembran®-540 is a self-adhering sheet membrane consisting of an engineered block-copolymer adhesive on a durable, conformable polypropylene film. The membrane is designed to be adhered to a variety of substrates and is available in rolls of various widths which may be used for full wall applications or as a penetration/flashing membrane used with other Sika air barrier systems.
- Fully bonded
- Waterproof and airtight
- Excellent adhesion to a variety of substrates
- Compatible with Sikagard liquid air barriers
- Tough film that resists punctures and tears
- Conforms to irregular surfaces
- Passes E 2178
SikaMembran®-540 is designed to be used in above-grade wall assemblies including concrete, concrete masonry units (CMU), plywood, OSB and exterior gypsum sheathing. Other applications include transition tape application for door, window and other openings and to connect the air barrier to the door, window or other penetration.
- Fully bonded
- Waterproof and airtight
- Excellent adhesion to a variety of substrates
- Compatible with Sikagard liquid air barriers
- Tough film that resists punctures and tears
- Conforms to irregular surfaces
- Passes E 2178
36” width by 75 ft. roll, 1 roll per box
18” width by 75 ft. roll, 2 rolls per box
12” width by 75 ft. roll, 3 rolls per box
6” width by 75 ft. roll, 6 rolls per box
4” width by 75 ft. roll, 9 rolls per box
Product Details
Product Information
Shelf Life1 year in original packaging at recommended storage conditions
Storage ConditionsStore pallets under cover at temperatures between 40 °F and 100 °F
Thickness8 mils
UV ExposureCover within 60 days
Service Temperaturemin. -20 °F max. 150 °F
Application Information
Ambient Air Temperaturemin. 40 °F and rising
Substrate Temperaturemin. 40 °F and rising
Application Steps
SUBSTRATE PREPARATIONAcceptable substrates include concrete, concrete masonry units, primed steel, aluminum, mill finish, anodized aluminum, galvanized metal, exterior gypsum board and wood. Primer may be required for CMU or if adhesion is inadequate on substrates due to surface conditions beyond the control of the installer. Sika® Latex R may be used for priming if required.
Surfaces must be sound, clean, dry and free of frost, dirt, dust, loose concrete, grease, oil, contaminants or other foreign matter that may adversely affect the adhesion of the membrane. Surfaces should be free of voids, gaps, breaks and spalls. New concrete should cure a minimum of 7 days, masonry mortar joints should be full and flush, holes or cracks greater than ¼” should be filled in with an appropriate mortar if static or with a suitable sealant or filler if required to move. Gypsum, plywood and OSB sheathing boards shall be properly fastened, flush at the joints with gaps accordingto building codes and sheathing board manufacturer.
Moisture content should be checked using a Tramex® moisture meter with a 4 % maximum allowable measurement.
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