Search Results for category smoke curtains

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category smoke curtains ... more

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Wayne-Dalton - Models 540 and 550 Fire Rated Counter Shutters - FireStar®
Wayne-Dalton - Models 540 and 550 Fire Rated Counter Shutters - FireStar®
Description: The FireStar ® Models 540 and 550 fire rated counter shutters satisfy the demands of applications that require certified and labeled fire protection for your property as well as a...

Cookson - Smokeshield® Elevator Smoke Containment System
Cookson - Smokeshield® Elevator Smoke Containment System
Description: When a structure catches fire, its elevator shafts transform into chimneys, pulling smoke throughout the area and adding oxygen that feeds the flames. Without a proper elevator smoke containment...

Cornell - SmokeShield® Fabric Smoke & Fire Doors
Cornell - SmokeShield® Fabric Smoke & Fire Doors
Description: The SmokeShield® Fabric Smoke and Fire innovation offers a new way to compartmentalize open areas, creating a smoke and fire barrier.