Search Results for category concrete waterproofing and dampproofing

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category concrete waterproofing and dampproofing ... more

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LATICRETE International, Inc. - HYDRO BAN® XP Waterproofing Anti Fracture Membrane
LATICRETE International, Inc. - HYDRO BAN® XP Waterproofing Anti Fracture Membrane
Description: HYDRO BAN XP can be used for waterproofing and crack protection in a variety of interior and exterior spaces in residential, commercial and industrial settings.

Manufacturer: LATICRETE International, Inc.

Category: concrete waterproofing and dampproofing | 09 30 00 | flooring installation products...

MasterFormat: Dampproofing and Waterproofing | Fluid-Applied Waterproofing | Tiling...

Sika Corporation - Waterproofing Coating - Sikalastic®-320 NS
Sika Corporation - Waterproofing Coating - Sikalastic®-320 NS
Description: SINGLE COMPONENT, NON-SAG, BITUMEN MODIFIED WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE Sikalastic®-320 NS is a single component, Non-Sag, liquid applied, bitumen modified, coal tar...

Manufacturer: Sika Corporation

Category: concrete waterproofing and dampproofing | finish coatings | fluid-applied waterproofing...

MasterFormat: Dampproofing and Waterproofing | Fluid-Applied Waterproofing | Painting and Coating...

Key Resin Company - Key Waterproofing & Crack Isolation Systems - Key #9332 Flexible MMA Membrane System
Key Resin Company - Key Waterproofing & Crack Isolation Systems - Key #9332 Flexible MMA Membrane System
Description: KEY #9332 Flexible MMA is a higher viscosity, 100% reactive, flexible methyl methacrylate resin used as a crack isolation or waterproofing membrane under various Key MMA Systems.

Manufacturer: Key Resin Company

Category: concrete waterproofing and dampproofing | 09 60 00 | moisture control...

MasterFormat: Dampproofing and Waterproofing | Fluid-Applied Flooring | High-Performance Coatings...

Xypex Chemical Corporation - Modified Crystalline Concrete Waterproofing Coating
Xypex Chemical Corporation - Modified Crystalline Concrete Waterproofing Coating
Description: Xypex Modified can be applied as a second coat to reinforce Xypex Concentrate, or applied by itself to dampproof the exterior of foundation walls.

Spray-Lock Concrete Protection - P3 Industrial Concrete Treatment
Spray-Lock Concrete Protection - P3 Industrial Concrete Treatment
Description: P3 Industrial protects the treated concrete without forming a membrane. P3 Industrial works within the concrete matrix and can be used as the protection of choice, part of an overall system...

Tex-Trude - X-TREME® Vapor Barriers
Tex-Trude - X-TREME® Vapor Barriers
Description: X-TREME® Vapor Barriers have become the choice of professionals who insist on the most extreme levels of overall strength, puncture resistance, mold prevention and product integrity.

Manufacturer: Tex-Trude

Category: concrete waterproofing and dampproofing | dampproofing | moisture barriers...

MasterFormat: Dampproofing | Thermal Protection | Vapor Retarders