Search Results for category below grade waterproofing and dampproofing

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category below grade waterproofing and dampproofing ... more

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Sika Corporation - Sikaplan Pre/Post Applied Loose-Laid Membrane - Sikaplan® WP 1130-25 C
Sika Corporation - Sikaplan Pre/Post Applied Loose-Laid Membrane - Sikaplan® WP 1130-25 C
Description: Waterproofing Membrane Sikaplan® WP 1130-25 C is a 100 mil (2.5 mm) thick sheet waterproofing membrane, based on polyvinylchloride with an integral fiberglass mat...

Manufacturer: Sika Corporation

Category: below grade waterproofing and dampproofing | membrane waterproofing | moisture barriers...

MasterFormat: Dampproofing and Waterproofing

Xypex Chemical Corporation - Modified Crystalline Concrete Waterproofing Coating
Xypex Chemical Corporation - Modified Crystalline Concrete Waterproofing Coating
Description: Xypex Modified can be applied as a second coat to reinforce Xypex Concentrate, or applied by itself to dampproof the exterior of foundation walls.

Manufacturer: Xypex Chemical Corporation

Category: below grade waterproofing and dampproofing | concrete coatings | lining coatings...

MasterFormat: High-Performance Coatings | Special Coatings | Concrete and Masonry Coatings...

Tex-Trude - X-TREME® Vapor Barriers
Tex-Trude - X-TREME® Vapor Barriers
Description: X-TREME® Vapor Barriers have become the choice of professionals who insist on the most extreme levels of overall strength, puncture resistance, mold prevention and product integrity.

Manufacturer: Tex-Trude

Category: below grade waterproofing and dampproofing | concrete waterproofing and dampproofing | vapor barriers...

MasterFormat: Dampproofing | Thermal Protection | Vapor Retarders