07 42 23 - Wood Wall Panels

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theWood Wall Panels section of Sweets... more

Results per page:

Elevate (Formerly Firestone) - UC-500 Flush Panel System
Elevate (Formerly Firestone) - UC-500 Flush Panel System
Description: The 1-inch flush panel system is mechanically attached and installed in a sequential pattern. All panel systems are to be roll formed to specified dimensions and tolerances and shall be...

Manufacturer: Elevate (Formerly Firestone)

Category: building panels | building panels | roof panels...

MasterFormat: Wood Wall Panels | Roofing and Siding Panels | Roof Panels...

Super Stud Building Products - DragonBoard® High-Performance Sheathing & Structural Subflooring
Super Stud Building Products - DragonBoard® High-Performance Sheathing & Structural Subflooring
Description: DragonBoard® is a patented, UL approved fire resistant, water resistant, high-impact construction panel that is well-suited for both interior and exterior sheathing applications.

Manufacturer: Super Stud Building Products

Category: moisture resistant subflooring | panels | subflooring...

MasterFormat: Wood Wall Panels | Sheathing | Subflooring...

Crane Composites - Kemply® Laminated Wall And Ceiling Panels
Crane Composites - Kemply® Laminated Wall And Ceiling Panels
Description: Kemply is fabricated by laminating a single or double Glasbord embossed or smooth panel to a rigid substrate. The resulting Kemply panel has structural strength and rigidity, allowing for...

Manufacturer: Crane Composites

Category: 06 80 00 | 068000 | panels...

MasterFormat: Wood Wall Panels | Roofing and Siding Panels | Wall Panels...

Laminators Incorporated - Omega CI® Rigid Insulation Panel
Laminators Incorporated - Omega CI® Rigid Insulation Panel
Description: Omega CI is a rigid insulation panel comprising a closed-cell polyiso foam core bonded to a premium performance coated glass backer and a 5/8” fire-treated plywood face.

BLUE RIDGE FIBERBOARD - Exterior Sheathing - Premium Insulating Sheathing
BLUE RIDGE FIBERBOARD - Exterior Sheathing - Premium Insulating Sheathing
Description: Premium Insulating Sheathing provides builders with three primary benefits: Energy-saving R-Values: Reducing long term home and...


Category: fiberboard | fiberboard insulation | mildew resistant insulation...

MasterFormat: Wood Wall Panels | Rough Carpentry | Sheathing...

Moxy OID - CERLOS Composites
Moxy OID - CERLOS Composites
Description: New material - coming soon! Moxy OID combines non-toxic and eco-friendly ingredients, creating a proprietary new building material branded as CERLOS. Starting with roofing, then adding...

Manufacturer: Moxy OID

Category: composite siding | fire resistant siding | panel siding...

MasterFormat: Wood Wall Panels | Rough Carpentry | Steep Slope Roofing...