10 21 13.19 - Plastic Toilet Compartments

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in thePlastic Toilet Compartments section of Sweets... more

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Hadrian Solutions ULC - Headrail Braced Solid Plastic Toilet Partitions
Hadrian Solutions ULC - Headrail Braced Solid Plastic Toilet Partitions
Description: Headrail braced, solid plastic restroom partition compartments are a great choice for virtually any facility and are especially recommended in heavy-use areas, such as schools, institutions and...

ASI Accurate Partitions - Solid Plastic (HDPE) Toilet Partitions
ASI Accurate Partitions - Solid Plastic (HDPE) Toilet Partitions
Description: Solid Plastic partitions are water resistant and unaffected by steam or high humidity. ASI Group solid plastic partitions have passed the NFPA 286 fire test standard. Our most popular colors are...

Flush Metal Partitions, LLC - Flushite Solid Plastic Overhead Braced Bathroom Partitions
Flush Metal Partitions, LLC - Flushite Solid Plastic Overhead Braced Bathroom Partitions
Description: Water, stain and grafitti resistant Cannot delaminate Will not easily dent or chip Ideal for high traffic areas

ASI Global Partitions - Alpaco™ Classic Collection
ASI Global Partitions - Alpaco™ Classic Collection
Description: A marriage of simplicity and functionality creates a collection that has ASI’s exclusive Ultimate Privacy™ at its heart. Zero sightlines, doors and pilasters that meet in a flush...

Manufacturer: ASI Global Partitions

Category: compartments | partitions | stalls...

MasterFormat: Plastic Toilet Compartments | Interior Specialties | Toilet Compartments...

American Sanitary Partition Corporation - Phenolic Core Toilet Partitions
American Sanitary Partition Corporation - Phenolic Core Toilet Partitions
Description: General: Toilet compartments shall be Type PH-________ (CS-Ceiling Stile; or FS-Floor Stile; or FF-Full Flush; or FC-Floor to Ceiling) as manufactured by American Sanitary...