10 21 13.23 - Particleboard Toilet Compartments

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theParticleboard Toilet Compartments section of Sweets... more

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ASI Accurate Partitions - Plastic Laminate Moisture Guard™ Edge Banding Toilet Partitions
ASI Accurate Partitions - Plastic Laminate Moisture Guard™ Edge Banding Toilet Partitions
Description: ASI’s exclusive plastic laminate Moisture Guard™Edge Banding fuses with the substrate creating a seamless beveled profile that eliminates any unsightly black lines that appear in...

Manufacturer: ASI Accurate Partitions

Category: 102000 | bathroom compartments | ceiling hung toilet partitions...

MasterFormat: Particleboard Toilet Compartments | Interior Specialties | Compartments and Cubicles...

ASI Global Partitions - Plastic Laminate Moisture Guard™ Edge Banding Toilet Partitions
ASI Global Partitions - Plastic Laminate Moisture Guard™ Edge Banding Toilet Partitions
Description: ASI’s exclusive plastic laminate Moisture Guard ™ Edge Banding fuses with the substrate creating a seamless beveled profile that eliminates any unsightly black lines that...

Manufacturer: ASI Global Partitions

Category: 102000 | bathroom compartments | ceiling hung toilet partitions...

MasterFormat: Particleboard Toilet Compartments | Interior Specialties | Compartments and Cubicles...

American Sanitary Partition Corporation - Plastic Laminate Toilet Partitions
American Sanitary Partition Corporation - Plastic Laminate Toilet Partitions
Description: General: Toilet compartments shall be Type PL-______ (CS-Ceiling Stile; or FS-Floor Stile; or FF-Full Flush; or FC-Floor to Ceiling) as manufactured by American Sanitary...