13 42 00 - Building Modules

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theBuilding Modules section of Sweets... more

Results per page:

Panel Built - Vestibules & Prefabricated Vestibules
Panel Built - Vestibules & Prefabricated Vestibules
Description: Highly Customizable Vestibule Designs Panel Built work with our customers to find the space solutions that fit their specific requirements.

Manufacturer: Panel Built

Category: buildings | bullet-resistant booths | panelized buildings...

MasterFormat: Building Modules | Special Structures | Metal Building Systems...

Portable Solutions Group - Modular Drop & Multiplex Offices
Portable Solutions Group - Modular Drop & Multiplex Offices
Description: Comfortable and Professional Working Environment to Accommodate Job Site Needs Our modular drop offices and multiplex offices provide a versatile, hassle-free solution to create...

Dura-Stress Inc. - Precast Modular Cells for Correctional Institutions
Dura-Stress Inc. - Precast Modular Cells for Correctional Institutions
Description: Extensive building programs by the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC) to terminate early release of inmates began with an evaluation of building solutions. This evaluation included cost,...