08 56 00 - Special Function Windows

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theSpecial Function Windows section of Sweets... more

Results per page:

Terra Universal - Pass-Through; Double-Door Cabinet, HEPA Blower, 50Wx40.75Dx102.5H, 304 Stainless Steel
Terra Universal - Pass-Through; Double-Door Cabinet, HEPA Blower, 50Wx40.75Dx102.5H, 304 Stainless Steel
Description: Available ISO Ratings: ISO 5, ISO 6, ISO 7, ISO 8 Double-door pass-through cabinet is ideal for hospital/medical lab environments Quickly pass-through or re-stock supplies...

Manufacturer: Terra Universal

Category: air cleaners | air cleaning systems | casework...

MasterFormat: Special Function Windows | Windows | Hospitality Equipment...

Stained Glass Inc. - Stained Glass Applications - Crosses
Stained Glass Inc. - Stained Glass Applications - Crosses
Description: Cross stained glass designs are powerful, religious images, ideal for churches, personal prayer rooms or small chapels. These moving designs are sure to evoke reflection, meditation and prayer.

Manufacturer: Stained Glass Inc.

Category: church furniture | ecclesiastical equipment | sculptures...

MasterFormat: Special Function Windows | Windows | Art...

Acoustical Surfaces, Inc. - Noise S.T.O.P.™ Soundproof Window Model Studio 5
Acoustical Surfaces, Inc. - Noise S.T.O.P.™ Soundproof Window Model Studio 5
Description: Features: STC Rating Up To 49 Custom Sized To Fit Your Needs Extra Large Units Available With Mullions Frames...

Manufacturer: Acoustical Surfaces, Inc.

Category: noise barriers | noise control | noise remediation...

MasterFormat: Special Function Windows | Windows | Sound Control Windows...

Overly Door Co. - Model 3492273 Metal Window - Acoustical
Overly Door Co. - Model 3492273 Metal Window - Acoustical
Description: Model 3492273 Metal Window - Acoustical Model: Model 3492273 Metal Window - Acoustical Perimeter Seal: Conventional Neoprene Glazing Glass Seal: Conventional Neoprene Glazing Min Frame Depth: 5.5" / 139.7mm

Manufacturer: Overly Door Co.

Category: commercial windows | fenestration | sound insulating windows...

MasterFormat: Special Function Windows | Windows | Metal Windows...

Winco Window Company - 1450 Hung Replica Window
Winco Window Company - 1450 Hung Replica Window
Description: The look of a double-hung window with the energy performance and configuration of a fixed, projected, or casement window is what you get with the 1450 Hung Replica Window.

Total Security Solutions - Bullet-Resistant Transaction Windows
Total Security Solutions - Bullet-Resistant Transaction Windows
Description: Transaction windows are busy hubs where documents, currency, and goods are exchanged. Because of this, they can leave your staff and assets vulnerable to criminal activity. Our wide range of...

Natare Corporation - Underwater Windows
Natare Corporation - Underwater Windows
Description: Underwater Windows Natare swimming pool windows provide a clear view into the swimming or diving pool below the water’s surface. These unique viewing panels are an...

Manufacturer: Natare Corporation

Category: fenestration | special function windows | swimming pool windows...

MasterFormat: Special Function Windows | Windows | Swimming Pools

A&L Shielding - Welded Lead Lined Window Frames
A&L Shielding - Welded Lead Lined Window Frames
Description: The fixed (welded) type is the simplest and most economical . It is designed for new construction and is built into the wall or barrier as the studs...

Manufacturer: A&L Shielding

Category: radiation shielding | x-ray protection | x-ray protection...

MasterFormat: Special Function Windows | Windows | Radiation Shielding Windows...

Advanced Glazings, Ltd. - Solera® Engineered Daylight Diffuser
Advanced Glazings, Ltd. - Solera® Engineered Daylight Diffuser
Description: Meeting thermal goals doesn’t have to mean using less glass.

Manufacturer: Advanced Glazings, Ltd.

Category: curtain wall windows | glass sheets | glazing sheets...

MasterFormat: Special Function Windows | Entrances, Storefronts, and Curtain Walls | Windows...