09 28 00 - Backing Boards And Underlayments

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theBacking Boards And Underlayments section of Sweets... more

Results per page:

USG - Sheetrock® Brand Firecode® C Panels
USG - Sheetrock® Brand Firecode® C Panels
Description: 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) enhanced proprietary Type X panels for interior wall and ceiling applications 1/2 in.

Manufacturer: USG

Category: drywall | drywall | gypsum...

MasterFormat: Backing Boards And Underlayments | Plaster and Gypsum Board | Plaster and Gypsum Board Assemblies...

Acoustical Surfaces, Inc. - SoundBreak XP Acoustically Enhanced Gypsum Board
Acoustical Surfaces, Inc. - SoundBreak XP Acoustically Enhanced Gypsum Board
Description: SoundBreak XP Acoustically Enhanced Gypsum Board Superior Sound Damping Acoustical Enhanced for High Rated STC Wall Assemblies ...

Manufacturer: Acoustical Surfaces, Inc.

Category: acoustic board insulation | acoustic panel | acoustic panels...

MasterFormat: Backing Boards And Underlayments | Special Wall Surfacing | Acoustic Insulation...

CENTRIA - Firewall System - Horizontal Profile
CENTRIA - Firewall System - Horizontal Profile
Description: The CENTRIA Firewall System includes a field-assembled interior liner panel, insulation, layers of fire-rated gypsum board and the exterior rainscreen profile panel.

Manufacturer: CENTRIA

Category: aluminum siding | exterior wall panels | gypsum wall systems...

MasterFormat: Backing Boards And Underlayments | Metal Wall Panels | Plaster and Gypsum Board Assemblies...

PROSOCO Inc. - Porousprep - Water-Based Sealer for Raw Gypsum Board Edges
PROSOCO Inc. - Porousprep - Water-Based Sealer for Raw Gypsum Board Edges
Description: PorousPrep seals the dry, cut edges of gypsum wall boards exposed in rough openings for windows and doors. It ensures application of Joint & Seam Filler or FastFlash to dry-cut edges of...

Manufacturer: PROSOCO Inc.

Category: edge sealer | gypsum | gypsum board edge sealer...

MasterFormat: Backing Boards And Underlayments | Plaster and Gypsum Board | Supports for Plaster and Gypsum Board...

Specified Technologies, Inc. - TTG Track Top Gasket
Specified Technologies, Inc. - TTG Track Top Gasket
Description: SpeedFlex TTG Track Top Gasket makes short work of construction joints in gypsum board construction. TTG eliminates the need for firestop sealants or sprays by firestopping as the wall is...

Manufacturer: Specified Technologies, Inc.

Category: fire barriers | firestop gaskets | intumescent firestopping...

MasterFormat: Backing Boards And Underlayments | Firestopping | Joint Firestopping...

Super Stud Building Products - Shaft Wall Systems
Super Stud Building Products - Shaft Wall Systems
Description: Shaft wall systems are a specific category of interior fire-rated partitions designed to be installed from only one side.

Manufacturer: Super Stud Building Products

Category: interior framing | light metal framing | shaftwalls...

MasterFormat: Backing Boards And Underlayments | Cold-Formed Metal Framing | Plaster and Gypsum Board...

Crane Composites - Kemply® Laminated Wall And Ceiling Panels
Crane Composites - Kemply® Laminated Wall And Ceiling Panels
Description: Kemply is fabricated by laminating a single or double Glasbord embossed or smooth panel to a rigid substrate. The resulting Kemply panel has structural strength and rigidity, allowing for...

Manufacturer: Crane Composites

Category: abuse resistant ceilings | composite panels | food processing ceilings...

MasterFormat: Backing Boards And Underlayments | Plastic Fabrications | Composite Fabrications...

Life Science Products - Bio/CR-4 Seamless Wall Panel System
Life Science Products - Bio/CR-4 Seamless Wall Panel System
Description: Ends the Cycle of Re-Finishing Interior Surfaces The Bio/CR-4 Wall Panel System is a 6mm thick panel engineered to be mounted over gypsum (drywall), as a long-lasting...

A&L Shielding - Lead Lined Gypsum Board
A&L Shielding - Lead Lined Gypsum Board
Description: Lead Lined Gypsum Board is used to cover most walls for radiation shielding protection or for sound isolation. Lead lined gypsum board is available in various lead thickness and heights.

Manufacturer: A&L Shielding

Category: plaster board | radiation protection | wallboard...

MasterFormat: Backing Boards And Underlayments | Plaster and Gypsum Board | Plaster and Gypsum Board Assemblies...