Search Results for manufacturer Fabreeka International

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term manufacturer Fabreeka International ... more

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Fabreeka International - Fabreeka® Preformed Fabric Pad Cotton Duck Pad Meets MIL-C-882
Fabreeka International - Fabreeka® Preformed Fabric Pad Cotton Duck Pad Meets MIL-C-882
Description: KEY FEATURES/BENEFITS Meets or exceeds MIL-C-882 and MIL-E-5272 specifications Accommodates compressive loads up to 10,000 psi Creep is limited to...

Fabreeka International - Fabcel® Pad Vibration Damping Pad for Low Frequency Vibration
Fabreeka International - Fabcel® Pad Vibration Damping Pad for Low Frequency Vibration
Description: KEY FEATURES/BENEFITS Accommodates loads up to 300 psi Vertical natural frequency as low as 5.0 Hz Horizontal natural frequency as low as 3.0...

Fabreeka International - Fabreeka-PTFE Bearing Pad
Fabreeka International - Fabreeka-PTFE Bearing Pad
Description: KEY FEATURES/BENEFITS Accommodates compressive loads up to 10,000 psi Meets AASHTO standard specification for fabric-reinforced bearing pads Low...

Fabreeka International - SA-47 ROF Pad Masticated Rubber, Random Oriented Fiber Bearing Pad
Fabreeka International - SA-47 ROF Pad Masticated Rubber, Random Oriented Fiber Bearing Pad
Description: KEY FEATURES/BENEFITS Withstands compressive load up to 7,000 psi Evenly distributes load between two structural elements Accommodates non-parallel,...

Fabreeka International - Isolation Washers Fabreeka, Fabcel or DIMFAB Material
Fabreeka International - Isolation Washers Fabreeka, Fabcel or DIMFAB Material
Description: KEY FEATURES/BENEFITS Isolation washers made from Fabreeka pad material can accommodate loads up to 10,000 psi when used for “uplift” or rebound...

Fabreeka International - Fabreeka® Bushings Reduce Transmitted Vibration
Fabreeka International - Fabreeka® Bushings Reduce Transmitted Vibration
Description: KEY FEATURES/BENEFITS Meets MIL-C-882 and MIL-E-5272 specifications Manufactured to interface with standard bolt/washer sizes from 3/16″ to...

Fabreeka International - DIMFAB Distributed Isolation Material Ribbed Rubber Pads
Fabreeka International - DIMFAB Distributed Isolation Material Ribbed Rubber Pads
Description: KEY FEATURES/BENEFITSProduced in 18” x 18” sheets Easily cut into predetermined shapes Used successfully since the 1980s by the US...

Fabreeka International - Crane Rail Pad for Moderate to Severe Crane Service
Fabreeka International - Crane Rail Pad for Moderate to Severe Crane Service
Description: KEY FEATURES/BENEFITS Operating load up to 12,000 psi Supplied in lengths up to 25 feet Improves wheel load distribution on rail Available...

Fabreeka International - Fabcel® Transformer Mounts Reduce Noise and Vibration from Transformers
Fabreeka International - Fabcel® Transformer Mounts Reduce Noise and Vibration from Transformers
Description: KEY FEATURES/BENEFITS Control structure-borne vibration and noise in single- and three-phase transformers and reactors Prevent equipment...