Search Results for category soffit framing

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category soffit framing ... more

Results per page:

Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - SIMPLESOFFIT Drywall Framing System: SSLU2424
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - SIMPLESOFFIT Drywall Framing System: SSLU2424
Description: SimpleSoffit is a pre-fabricated drywall and ACOUSTIBuilt soffit framing system that quickly clicks into shape and installs rapidly; saving time, material, and labor on the jobsite.

Super Stud Building Products - F-Track Corner Framing
Super Stud Building Products - F-Track Corner Framing
Description: F-Track 20EQ Interior Framing Product for Corners & Tight Spaces Super Stud F-Track is an economical option for horizontal corners such as soffits, drop-ceilings, box-outs,...