Search Results for category rock wool ceiling panels

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category rock wool ceiling panels ... more

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Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - ULTIMA Lay-In and Tegular: 1912 - Acoustical Ceiling Tile
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - ULTIMA Lay-In and Tegular: 1912 - Acoustical Ceiling Tile
Description: A smooth visual ceiling with TOTAL ACOUSTICS performance - sound absorption and blocking needed for today’s flexible spaces.

Manufacturer: Armstrong World Industries, Inc.

Category: rock wool ceiling panels | 095000 | 095113...

MasterFormat: Ceilings | Acoustical Ceilings | Acoustical Panel Ceilings...

USG - Radar™ Education Acoustical Panels
USG - Radar™ Education Acoustical Panels
Description: Lightly textured panels with a high-CAC, which is optimal for those seeking to increase room-to-room privacy. With ClimaPlus™ Performance Ideal for classrooms, designed for maximum...

Manufacturer: USG

Category: rock wool ceiling panels | 09 51 23 | USDA bio-based products...

MasterFormat: Ceilings | Acoustical Panel Ceilings | Acoustical Tile Ceilings...

Rockfon - Rockfon® Mono® Acoustic TE
Rockfon - Rockfon® Mono® Acoustic TE
Description: Perfect for ceilings and walls, the innovative monolithic surface delivers outstanding acoustic comfort and fire protection