Search Results for category painting supplies

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category painting supplies ... more

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Sherwin-Williams Company - Minwax High Performance Wood Filler
Sherwin-Williams Company - Minwax High Performance Wood Filler
Description: Minwax® High Performance Wood Filler is weather, water and rot resistant. It is also effective as a wood adhesive where you can anchor screws and secure loose joints in furniture.

PROSOCO Inc. - Safety Peel 1 - Environmentally Responsible Paint Remover
PROSOCO Inc. - Safety Peel 1 - Environmentally Responsible Paint Remover
Description: Safety Peel 1 is a solvent paste designed for the removal of paint, graffiti and clear coatings. It contains no methylene chloride or methanol, is mild in odor and is suitable for interior use.

Manufacturer: PROSOCO Inc.

Category: painting supplies | 040120.51 | 040120.52...

MasterFormat: Maintenance of Unit Masonry | Unit Masonry Cleaning | Painting...

V-SEAL Concrete Sealers - Blue Bear 600 GL Coatings Remover
V-SEAL Concrete Sealers - Blue Bear 600 GL Coatings Remover
Description: A non-toxic industrial strength and consumer friendly paint, urethane, epoxy and acrylic stripper made with 100% American grown soybeans. The low evaporation rate and its gel formulation make it...

Manufacturer: V-SEAL Concrete Sealers

Category: painting supplies | coatings | concrete coatings...

MasterFormat: Painting and Coating | Painting | Special Coatings...