Search Results for category office filing systems

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category office filing systems ... more

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Magnatag Visible Systems - Our Wall File Organizer, The FileView®, Keeps Your Important File Folders In View So You Keep Them
Magnatag Visible Systems - Our Wall File Organizer, The FileView®, Keeps Your Important File Folders In View So You Keep Them
Description: This wall file folder organizer combines color-coded magnets and a dry erase panel to give you and your team an additional level of organization.

Manufacturer: Magnatag Visible Systems

Category: office filing systems | document file cabinets | file cabinets...

MasterFormat: Storage Specialties | Storage Assemblies | Furniture...

New England Woodcraft Inc. - GSA Desks
New England Woodcraft Inc. - GSA Desks
Description: Few pieces of furniture have had to adapt to modern technology more than the work desk. From desk top computers to laptops, tablets and printers desk designs have had to change with the times.

Manufacturer: New England Woodcraft Inc.

Category: office filing systems | computer work stations | document file cabinets...

MasterFormat: Storage Assemblies | Furniture | Office Furniture...