Search Results for category graffiti barriers

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category graffiti barriers ... more

Results per page:

PROSOCO Inc. - Blok-Guard & Graffiti Control 9 - Water & Graffiti Repellent
PROSOCO Inc. - Blok-Guard & Graffiti Control 9 - Water & Graffiti Repellent
Description: Blok-Guard & Graffiti Control 9 (formerly called Blok-Guard & Graffiti Control) is a water and graffiti repellent formulated to weatherproof custom masonry units, cast stone,...

Green Umbrella - Interior MicroFilm™ Concrete Sealer
Green Umbrella - Interior MicroFilm™ Concrete Sealer
Description: DEVELOPING PROFILE CLARITY Green Umbrella® Interior MicroFilm™ is a R.T.U.™ repairable and impregnating micro-treatment for abrasively...

Manufacturer: Green Umbrella

Category: graffiti barriers | concrete floors | special coatings...

MasterFormat: Cast-In-Place Concrete | Flooring | Painting and Coating...

Cortec Corp. - MCI® Wall Defense Coating
Cortec Corp. - MCI® Wall Defense Coating
Description: MCI Wall Defense is a clear, silicone elastomer-based anti-graffiti coating that can be applied to exterior concrete, masonry, and metal surfaces. It is designed to be used over various types of...