Search Results for category egg crate grilles

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category egg crate grilles ... more

Results per page:

Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - METALWORKS Open Cell: 6188
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - METALWORKS Open Cell: 6188
Description: Durable open cell panels are 100% accessible and offer a clean, modern design option.

Rockfon - Rockfon® Beamgrid® Open Plenum Ceiling System
Rockfon - Rockfon® Beamgrid® Open Plenum Ceiling System
Description: This open cell ceiling system provides atheistic plenum masking and is available in a wide variety of cell sizes.

Manufacturer: Rockfon

Category: egg crate grilles | aluminum ceiling grids | grille panels...

MasterFormat: Ceilings | Acoustical Ceiling Suspension Assemblies | Specialty Ceilings...

Industrial Louvers, Inc. - ECG Decorative Grille
Industrial Louvers, Inc. - ECG Decorative Grille
Description: Decorative Grilles are fabricated from extruded aluminum and can be assembled in an unlimited number of configurations and sizes. Components range from flat bar, tubes, channels or other custom...

Manufacturer: Industrial Louvers, Inc.

Category: egg crate grilles | architectural grillwork | cross bar grilles...

MasterFormat: Other Specialties | Grilles and Screens

Architectural Grille - Egg Crate Grilles
Architectural Grille - Egg Crate Grilles
Description: The EC300 Egg Crate (Eggcrate) Grille is a specialized custom product manufactured by Architectural Grille on-site at our factory in Brooklyn, NY.