Search Results for category drywall frames

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category drywall frames ... more

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Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - SIMPLESOFFIT Drywall Framing System: SSLU2424
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. - SIMPLESOFFIT Drywall Framing System: SSLU2424
Description: SimpleSoffit is a pre-fabricated drywall and ACOUSTIBuilt soffit framing system that quickly clicks into shape and installs rapidly; saving time, material, and labor on the jobsite.

Super Stud Building Products - Clip Angles
Super Stud Building Products - Clip Angles
Description: Clip Angles serve a variety of functions in the construction of a steel framing system. They may be used to make attachments between framing members or to transfer gravity and lateral loads from...

Total Security Solutions - Bulletproof Stainless Steel Frames
Total Security Solutions - Bulletproof Stainless Steel Frames
Description: When choosing a steel frame for your ballistic barrier system, you should consider whether its appearance and protection level is right for your facility.

Manufacturer: Total Security Solutions

Category: drywall frames | 081000 | masonry door frames...

MasterFormat: Doors and Frames | Metal Doors and Frames | Metal Frames...

Best Roll-Up Door, Inc. - Swing Door - Double
Best Roll-Up Door, Inc. - Swing Door - Double
Description: Swing Doors (hollow Metal Door) , and frame systems constantly strive to meet the demands of the steel door and frame industry by providing premium products to the customer.

Manufacturer: Best Roll-Up Door, Inc.

Category: drywall frames | HM door frames | double doors...

MasterFormat: Metal Frames | Hollow Metal Frames | Metal Doors...