Search Results for category concrete floor protection

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category concrete floor protection ... more

Results per page:

PROSOCO Inc. - Overcoat - Temporary Protective Paper Film
PROSOCO Inc. - Overcoat - Temporary Protective Paper Film
Description: OverCoat is protective paper film that covers, insulates and locks in moisture when using gel-and-paste consistency paint and coating removers, enhancing chemical performance.

Manufacturer: PROSOCO Inc.

Category: concrete floor protection | commercial paint | exterior coatings...

MasterFormat: Painting | High-Performance Coatings | Special Coatings...

Reef Industries - Armorlon® Concrete Slab Floor Protection
Reef Industries - Armorlon® Concrete Slab Floor Protection
Description: Temporarily protect concrete slabs from latent damage during construction and remediation projects with Transguard® concrete slab floor protection sheets. Damage to newly poured concrete or...

Manufacturer: Reef Industries

Category: concrete floor protection | floor covers | flooring protection sheets...

MasterFormat: Protecting Installed Construction