Search Results for category antimicrobial treatments

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term category antimicrobial treatments ... more

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LATICRETE International, Inc. - MVIS™ WCI Crack Isolation Membrane
LATICRETE International, Inc. - MVIS™ WCI Crack Isolation Membrane
Description: MVIS™ WCI is single component, load bearing, fluid applied, bulk water management, crack isolation membrane. MVIS WCI produces a seamless, monolithic elastomeric coating and bonds directly...

Sika Corporation - Sikagard® Hygiene UR
Sika Corporation - Sikagard® Hygiene UR
Description: A seamless highly durable wall and ceiling coating system that utilizes Sikagard 307 W Sterisept. It cures to a hard gloss chemical resistant finish. Sikagard UR System contains antimicrobial...

Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring - Resuwall™ Aqua FR
Sherwin-Williams High Performance Flooring - Resuwall™ Aqua FR
Description: Formerly Sanifiber. A fiber-reinforced epoxy resin system designed for application to walls and ceilings in demanding environments.

Green Umbrella - Exterior MicroFilm™ Concrete Sealer
Green Umbrella - Exterior MicroFilm™ Concrete Sealer
Description: EASY TO APPLY, QUICK TO CURE, SIMPLE TO MAINTAIN Green Umbrella® Exterior MicroFilm™ is designed to seal and protect decorative surfaces with...