22 46 39 - Security Faucets, Supplies, And Trim

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in theSecurity Faucets, Supplies, And Trim section of Sweets... more

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Symmons Industries, Inc. - Metering Faucet - Model SLS-7000
Symmons Industries, Inc. - Metering Faucet - Model SLS-7000
Description: SCOT® Metering Collection The SCOT/Metering faucet delivers consistent metered wash cycles for commercial, healthcare, hospitality, and other demanding high-use...

Manufacturer: Symmons Industries, Inc.

Category: 224239 | lavatory faucets | self-closing faucets...

MasterFormat: Security Faucets, Supplies, And Trim | Commercial Plumbing Fixtures | Commercial Faucets, Supplies, and Trim...