07 16 16 - Crystalline Waterproofing

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers listed in the Crystalline Waterproofing section of Sweets... more

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Xypex Chemical Corporation
Xypex Chemical Corporation

The proprietary crystalline waterproofing products of Xypex Chemical Corporation are stocked, sold and supported by a worldwide network of distributors and licensees. This crystalline technology has been tested and proven in every climatic challenge, and in widely varying construction situations.

Gemite Products, Inc.
Gemite Products, Inc.

Gemite Products, Inc.

Anti-Hydro International, Inc.
Anti-Hydro International, Inc.

Anti-Hydro International, Inc.

Hill Brothers Chemical Co.
Hill Brothers Chemical Co.

Hill Brothers Chemical Co.

Kryton International, Inc.
Kryton International, Inc.

Kryton International, Inc.

Penetron International Ltd.
Penetron International Ltd.

Penetron International Ltd.

W.R. Meadows
W.R. Meadows

W.R. Meadows