Lok-Vu™ Visual Dock Lock Verification System
This trailer presence lock-verification system uses an outside camera to show when a trailer arrives and is safely engaged and disengaged. The visual system reduces the number of dangerous processes that put workers on the drive approach, addressing the second-leading cause of back-over fatalities in the US (OSHA).
Designed and Installed for Productivity - Reduce Processes on Drive Approach - Lok-Vu™, which is available as a single or dual camera option, displays an exterior camera view on the interior Dok-Commander® panel or as standalone monitor. The system helps to confirm when a trailer is present and properly secured as well as verify trailer stand presence, eliminating the need for workers to step outside on the dangerous drive approach.
- One Simple, Centralized Control Panel - Dok-Commander® Combination Control Panel integrates multiple pieces of loading dock equipment, such as: vehicle restraints, dock levelers, overhead doors, dock lights, dock fans and Rite-Vu™ Hazard Recognition and Control.
- Dok-Lok® Style Light Communication System - Light Communication Systems offer enhanced communication between dock personnel inside the building and truck drivers outside of the building. The NEMA 4X rated user interface with membrane switch buttons system allows for full integration of additional and future loading dock equipment. When interlocked in a safe sequence of operations, the controls help to ensure safety protocols and processes are followed.
- Withstand Harsh Loading Dock Environment - NEMA 4X Dok-Lok Style Light Communication and Dok-Commander Combined Control Systems offer a superior level or protection from corrosion and extreme loading environments, such as: windblown dust and rain, splashing water, and more.
Safety at the Loading Dock - Lock Verification and Trailer Stand Presence - Lok-Vu™ is a trailer presence and lock verification system helping to keep boots off the ground and maintain supply chain integrity. Single and dual camera systems are available. The dual camera option allows for interchangeable views between two of three general locations: the RIG of the trailer, the rear-wheelbase of the trailer, and in the case of spotted trailers, the nose of the trailer, to verify trailer stand presence.
- Reduce Human Error with Safe Sequence of Operations - Dok-Commander® is programmable to provide safe, custom sequential operation to help optimize safety at the loading dock or sequences to best fit your application: Door Protection, Best Practice or Supply Chain Integrity. Safe Sequence of Operation helps ensure equipment is properly operated to protect employees, equipment and products by reducing human error and equipment faults.
Communication and ControlDok-Lok® Style Light Communication and Dok-Commander® Systems offer enhanced communication between dock personnel inside the building and truck drivers outside of the building with inside controls, outside communication lights and interior/exterior instructional signs. The controls facilitate the ability to immediately or incrementally incorporate any Rite-Vu™ Hazard Recognition and Control component, allowing facilities to:
- Incorporate line of sight light communication system status with Corner-Vu™ and Leveler-Vu™
- Extend Blue Light Policy to help prevent 80,000 annual forklift-pedestrian accidents by extending reaction time with Pedestrian-Vu™
- Help prevent 2nd leading cause of backover fatalities in the United States with Approach-Vu™, which utilizes a light and horn system to present a clear visual and audible warning to pedestrians in the drive approach when a backing vehicle is detected.
- Verify Dok-Lok engagement and trailer stand presence via outside camera and inside monitor with Lok-Vu™, reducing the amount of processes on the dangerous drive approach.
All components are available as standalone or incorporated with Dok-Lok Style Light Communication System or Dok-Commander Combined Controls, which offers more flexibility, facilitating the greatest long-term yield per dock position. The systems allow facilities to address their most urgent safety needs first but reserving the opportunity to integrate vehicle restraints and other safety solutions at a fraction of the cost compared to standalone equipment purchases.
Smart, Connected CapabilitiesLoading Dock Productivity Analytics
- Monitor real-time loading dock status. Optional Dok-Lok Dock Timer digitally displays total engagement time at each position to help dock attendants prioritize loads and avoid costly detention and demurrage charges.
- Leverage loading dock analytics with current and historical Dok-Lok efficiency and utilization data to identify areas of operational improvement through robust reporting and intuitive dashboards.
- Receive trending productivity alerts and review correct actions / next steps.
Loading Dock Safety Analytics
- Study and understand safety challenges, frequency trends and root cause with diagnostic analytics to proactively influence employee behavior.
- Interactive Safety Assessment Tool helps place priority on specific safety events.
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