Rite-Hite -Loading Dock Light Communication Systems


Light communication at the loading dock helps increase safety and plays a key role in helping achieve productivity goals. The system clearly informs personnel when they can safely enter or exit a trailer and truck drivers when it's safe to depart.

Category: control network devices | dock sensors | loading dock controls...

MasterFormat: Vehicle and Pedestrian Equipment | Loading Dock Equipment | Instrumentation and Control for Electrical Systems...

195 S. Rite-Hite Way
Milwaukee, WI 53204
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Loading Dock Light Communication Systems

Light communication at the loading dock helps increase safety and plays a key role in helping achieve productivity goals. The system clearly informs personnel when they can safely enter or exit a trailer and truck drivers when it's safe to depart. Our two stop-and-go systems meet various budgets to address current and potential needs.

Designed and Installed for Productivity

  • Future Integration of Additional Safety Solutions - Dok-Lok® Style Light Communication Systems allow for full integration of additional and future equipment along with interlocked sequence of operations.

  • Light Communication for Forklifts Entering and Exiting Trailer - System actively communicates to material handlers entering and exiting the trailer via communication controls mounted to the left of the dock door opening.

  • Withstand Harsh Loading Dock Environment - NEMA 4X Dok-Lok® Style Light Communication Systems offer a superior level of protection from corrosion and extreme loading environments, such as: windblown dust and rain, splashing water, and more. Interior Traffic-Style and Exterior lights are UL listed and designed with energy saving LED bulbs.

Safety at the Loading Dock

  • Help Prevent Trailer Separation Accidents - Light Communication Systems help prevent trailer early departure by clearly informing dock personnel when they can safely enter or exit a trailer and inform truck drivers when it’s safe to depart.

  • Help Prevent Forklift Accidents at the Dock - With over 7,000 annual forklift accidents involving a forklift running off the edge of dock, Light Communication Systems actively communicate to material handlers before they enter and exit trailers.

  • Line-of-Sight Light Communication - Compatible with the Dok-Lok® Style Communication System, Corner-Vu™ and Leveler-Vu™ provide immediate line-of-sight Dok-Lok® vehicle restraint status to material handlers entering and exiting the trailer, helping reduce unnecessary forklift traffic and miscommunication by clearly indicating green (safe to enter) and red (unsafe to enter). The enhanced visual communication system mitigates the risk of control box obstruction from pallets, personnel, and forklifts.

Communication and Control

Loading Dock Light Communication Systems offer enhanced communication between dock personnel inside the building and truck drivers outside of the building:

  • Dok-Lok® Style Light Communication System - The NEMA 4X rated user interface with membrane switch buttons system allows for full integration of additional and future loading dock equipment. When interlocked in a safe sequence of operations, the controls help to ensure safety protocols and processes are followed.

  • Traffic-Style Light Communication System - Manual three-position toggle switch offers basic communication at the loading dock. The traffic-style box allows for limited integration of additional and future equipment.

Each Loading Dock Light Communication System features an inside communication/control box, outside communication lights and interior/exterior instructional signs.
Dok-Lok Style Light Communication System facilitate the ability to immediately or incrementally incorporate any Rite-Vu™ Hazard Recognition and Control component, allowing facilities to:

  • Incorporate line of sight light communication system status with Corner-Vu™ and Leveler-Vu™.
  • Extend Blue Light Policy to help prevent 80,000 annual forklift-pedestrian accidents by extending reaction time with Pedestrian-Vu™.
  • Help prevent 2nd leading cause of backover fatalities in the United States with Approach-Vu™, which utilizes a light and horn system to present a clear visual and audible warning to pedestrians in the drive approach when a backing vehicle is detected.
  • Verify Dok-Lok engagement and trailer stand presence via outside camera and inside monitor with Lok-Vu™, reducing the amount of processes on the dangerous drive approach.

All components are available as standalone or incorporated with Dok-Lok Style Light Communication System, which offers more flexibility, facilitating the greatest long-term yield per dock position. The system allows facilities to address their most urgent safety needs first but reserving the opportunity to integrate vehicle restraints and other safety solutions at a fraction of the cost compared to standalone equipment purchases.

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