GWC-1000 Global Wheel Chock Restraint
This manually positioned wheel chock secures the widest variety of trailer types, including liftgates and trailers without RIGs. Ergonomically positioned, the smart solution maintains downward force to limit movement with an extra-long footbed and ultra-sonic sensor to constantly communicate safe operational engagement.
Designed and Installed for Productivity - Ergonomically Secure Widest Variety of Trailers - GWC-1000 is positioned manually with minimal force for ergonomic operation, helping to secure various tire diameters, including delivery and parcel trucks.
- Integrity of Installation- Completed dock survey required for each dock position to help ensure safe and proper application of all restraint solutions. Critical to the safety of material handlers and equipment utilizing the equipment, the surveys are reviewed by expert Applications team if outside of standard dock configuration.
- Withstand Harsh Loading Dock Environment- Continuous aluminum extrusion with a yield strength of 40KSI does not require adjustment as climatic conditions change. Steel hanger bracket is mounted to the outside of the building for storage of the Global Wheel Chock out the snow, ice and debris of the drive approach.
Safety at the Loading Dock - Unique Chock Profile - Manually positioned extra-long footbed allows the trailer to maintain continuous downward force, helping to reduce potential hazardous movement during loading.
- Constant Operational Communication - Ultra-sonic sensor in the wheel chock integrates to the Dok-Lok Style controls via 10’ coil cord providing audible and visual alarms to help clearly indicate safe constant chock engagement.
- Communication and Control - Dok-Lok® Style Light Communication communicates via interior lights when trailer is properly engaged, thus safe for material handlers to enter.
- Help Prevent Backover Fatalities - Optional Approach-Vu™ presents a clear audible and visual warning to pedestrians manually chocking tires in the drive approach when a backing vehicle is detected.
- Help Prevent Trailer Separation Accidents - GWC-1000 helps to prevent early departure and trailer creep, while a trailer stand can assist with landing gear collapse and trailer upending.
- Certified to meet and exceed ANSI MH30.3 performance testing standards.
Communication and ControlRite-Hite Communication and Control allows facilities to:
- Integrate additional/future equipment and interlocked sequence of operations with Dok-Lok® Style Light Communication System.
- Incorporate line of sight light communication system status with Corner-Vu™ and Leveler-Vu™.
- Extend Blue Light Policy to help prevent 80,000 annual forklift-pedestrian accidents by extending reaction time with Pedestrian-Vu™.
- Help prevent 2nd leading cause of backover fatalities in the United States with Approach-Vu™, which utilizes a light and horn system to present a clear visual and audible warning to pedestrians in the drive approach when a backing vehicle is detected.
- Verify Dok-Lok engagement and trailer stand presence via outside camera and inside monitor with Lok-Vu™, reducing the amount of processes on the dangerous drive approach.
- Integrate multiple loading dock control components at each dock position for a total dock safety system with Dok-Commander® Combined Controls.
All components are available as standalone or incorporated with Dok-Lok Style Light Communication System. The Dok-Lok Style Light Communication System offers more flexibility, facilitating the greatest long-term yield per dock position. The system allows facilities to address their most urgent safety needs first but reserving the opportunity to integrate vehicle restraints and other safety solutions at a fraction of the cost compared to standalone equipment purchases.
Smart, Connected CapabilitiesLoading Dock Productivity Analytics
- Monitor real-time loading dock status. Optional Dok-Lok Dock Timer digitally displays total engagement time at each position to help dock attendants prioritize loads and avoid costly detention and demurrage charges.
- Leverage loading dock analytics with current and historical Dok-Lok efficiency and utilization data to identify areas of operational improvement through robust reporting and intuitive dashboards.
- Receive trending productivity alerts and review correct actions / next steps.
Loading Dock Safety Analytics
- Study and understand safety challenges, frequency trends and root cause with diagnostic analytics to proactively influence employee behavior.
- Interactive Safety Assessment Tool helps place priority on specific safety events.
Industry Leading Warranty - 12-Month Limited Money-Back Guarantee of Customer Satisfaction
- Standard Warranty includes 1 year parts / 1 year labor
- Rite-Hite® Extended Warranty includes 2 year parts / 1 year labor and smart, connected capabilities
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