Padded Surfaces by B&E -Detention Surface Padding Systems


Padded Surfaces by B&E can install a padded surface system virtually anywhere-walls, floors, ceilings and even doors. Our system can be adapted to fit any size or style of room.

Category: cell padding |detention equipment | padding...

MasterFormat: Other Equipment | Detention Equipment | Detention Room Padding

Padded Surfaces by B&E
2339 Distributors Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46241
Tel: (888) 243-8788
Fax: (317) 248-2832

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Detention Surface Padding Systems

Padded Surfaces by B&E can install a padded surface system virtually anywhere-walls, floors, ceilings and even doors. Our system can be adapted to fit any size or style of room.

Because we utilize only the highest quality materials and most advanced products available on the market today, our padded surface systems are:

• Easy to install or retrofit an existing space
• Cost-effective for initial installations as well as lower lifecycle costs
• Virtually indestructible; guaranteed impenetrable by organic human body parts for a period of three years
• Protected by Armor-Coat with Kevlar®; the Kev-Koat surface uses bullet-resistant Kevlar for ultimate durability and is UL-listed
• Fire-resistant; meets and exceeds the standard ASTM Class A Flame Spread conditions
• Adaptable to cameras, intercoms, vents, sprinklers and more
• Moisture-resistant and fungus-resistant
• Non-toxic and eco-friendly
• Completely seamless and manufactured specifically for each individual application
• Easy to clean and maintain
• Available in different colors to match your facility
• Approved for use in the United States and Canada

Our padded surface systems benefit both the individual and the institution. Proven advantages include:

• Minimize contact with potentially dangerous individuals
• Reduce potential liability
• Help prevent self-injury to individual
• Reduce potential harm to staff and visitors
• Lower cost of ownership and ongoing maintenance

Installing a padded surface system at your location not only protects your facility and your staff, but it also creates a safe, sanitary and calming environment for the individual.

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