Individual Patient Care Bedside MiniBoards™ for Hospital Nursing Units, Dry-Erase (Non-Magnetic)
Wall and Portable printed mini-whiteboards: light weight,handle easy and wall-display well. 19 formats 3 sizes
Features and benefits of this productHang them on the wall, door or bed with the key-hole slot hanger that swivels flat behind the board when used portable. Lift it off the wall to write on it. It has a built-in pen clip and includes a fine point, dry-erase black pen. Carry it to patient bedside or anywhere you need to record or refer to the data, then rehang it when done. Top quality, fast delivery and low prices in quantity.
This series of MiniBoards™ are designed for individual patient care use.
Note: Consider custom-printing your MiniBoards™ with your special design. (Minimum of 10 alike) Thousands have.
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