Horton Automatics -Secure Exit Lane System

Secure Exit Lane System

The Secure Exit Lane (SEL) system provides one way pedestrian traffic flow between the secure and non-secure zone. The SEL creates a physical barrier detecting and preventing unauthorizedentry thus maintaining the natural flow of traffic.

Category: crowd control barriers | high security pedestrian gates | pedestrian barriers...

MasterFormat: Vehicle and Pedestrian Equipment | Pedestrian Control Equipment | Pedestrian Security Equipment

Horton Automatics
4242 Baldwin Blvd
Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Tel: (800) 531-3111
Fax: (888) 283-3880



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Secure Exit Lane System

Secure Exit Lane System

The Secure Exit Lane (SEL) system provides one way pedestrian traffic flow between the secure and non-secure zone. The SEL creates a physical barrier detecting and preventing unauthorized entry thus maintaining the natural flow of traffic. This breach control secure exit lane system uses an array of sensors to detect unauthorized traffic from accessing a secure zone. The Secure Exit Lane can minimize the need for physical personnel by providing remote monitoring capability. Unauthorized entry and static object detection are only two of the many potential threats capable of triggering a security alert at the secure exit lane.

The SEL can operate in 5 different modes:

  • Free Flow: Entry and Exit security doors can be open simultaneously to provide optimal throughput.
  • Interlock: Only one security door is open at a time to provide enhanced security.
  • Locked: Both security doors are locked.
  • Open: Both security doors are held open for emergency ingress, egress, etc.
  • Cleaning: Entry security door is closed and locked. Exit security door is open.

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