Search Results for manufacturer Green Umbrella

Below you will find links to company and product information for manufacturers and suppliers in Sweets matching the term manufacturer Green Umbrella ... more

33 Products
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Green Umbrella - GreenIce Cure™ System
Green Umbrella - GreenIce Cure™ System
Description: Green Umbrella® GreenIce Cure™ system is an interior or exterior @EarlyAge™ integral concrete cure. This two-part system utilizes a cure,...

Green Umbrella - Max Defense System
Green Umbrella - Max Defense System
Description: Concrete Floor’s Best Game Plan Green Umbrella® Max Defense™ system wins a high-performance architectural concrete floor with products designed...

Green Umbrella - GreenCanvas™ Expansive Component Powder
Green Umbrella - GreenCanvas™ Expansive Component Powder
Description: GreenCanvas Expansive Component Green Umbrella® GreenCanvas™ expansive component is a cementitious, inorganic powder.

Green Umbrella - PCR™ Permanent Concrete Repair
Green Umbrella - PCR™ Permanent Concrete Repair
Description: Green Umbrella® PCR™ is designed for permanence, not just a temporary fix or patch. Permanent Concrete Repair is an industry-leading, high early strength,...

Green Umbrella - Polished Concrete System
Green Umbrella - Polished Concrete System
Description: Max Defense™ Green Umbrella® Max Defense™ system wins a high-performance architectural concrete floor with products designed to play well...

Green Umbrella - MoistureBloc5 Concrete Admixture
Green Umbrella - MoistureBloc5 Concrete Admixture
Description: Green Umbrella® FiberLite™ is a low dosage, insoluble, transparent in the mix, uniquely designed, secondary reinforcement concrete fiber. Providingisotropic,...

Green Umbrella - FiberLite™ Secondary Reinforcement Concrete Fiber
Green Umbrella - FiberLite™ Secondary Reinforcement Concrete Fiber
Description: Green Umbrella® FiberLite™ is a low dosage, insoluble, transparent in the mix, uniquely designed, secondary reinforcement concrete fiber.

Green Umbrella - FiberMacX™ Secondary Reinforcement Concrete Fiber
Green Umbrella - FiberMacX™ Secondary Reinforcement Concrete Fiber
Description: Green Umbrella® FiberMacX™ is a variable dose, high-impact resistant, wear-resistant, secondary reinforcement concrete fiber uniquely designed to enhance durability,...

Green Umbrella - Fi-Flex™ Secondary Reinforcement Concrete Fiber
Green Umbrella - Fi-Flex™ Secondary Reinforcement Concrete Fiber
Description: REINFORCE, NEVER RE-TIE Green Umbrella® Fi-Flex™ is a variable dose, insoluble, secondary reinforcement concrete fiber uniquely designed to enhance flexural...

Green Umbrella - ColorPac™ Iron-Oxide Pigments
Green Umbrella - ColorPac™ Iron-Oxide Pigments
Description: THE ‘IN’ CONCRETE COLORANT Green Umbrella® ColorPac™ integral colors are natural iron-oxide pigments that are permanent and UV...

Green Umbrella - SoloCure™ Curing Compound & Densifier
Green Umbrella - SoloCure™ Curing Compound & Densifier
Description: PENETRATING DENSIFICATION & PROTECTIVE CURE Green Umbrella® SoloCure™ is a water-based, membrane-forming curing compound and densifier that...

Green Umbrella - IceStart™ Curing Agent
Green Umbrella - IceStart™ Curing Agent
Description: Start High-Performance Concrete Green Umbrella® IceStart™ is a unique curing agent used to ensure an adequately cured floor and is the first of a...

Green Umbrella - IceStop™ Fixative
Green Umbrella - IceStop™ Fixative
Description: Stop the Damage @EarlyAge Green Umbrella® IceStop™ is applied on the surface as the second part of the Greenlce Cure™ system.

Green Umbrella - IceCap™ Sealer
Green Umbrella - IceCap™ Sealer
Description: Capping the Concrete Green Umbrella® IceCap™ is a durable subsurface nano-finish for exposed architectural concrete floors. Protect...

Green Umbrella - GreenCut® Profiling Agent
Green Umbrella - GreenCut® Profiling Agent
Description: The Foundation of the Profiled Floor Green Umbrella® GreenCut® is a neutral, nano-surface profiling agent that teams with slurry produced during wet...

Green Umbrella - ProfileFil Plus™ Reactive Grout
Green Umbrella - ProfileFil Plus™ Reactive Grout
Description: THE SLAB SAVER Green Umbrella® ProfileFil Plus™ is the latest advancement in reactive grouting technology with GUnanoInside™ for profiled...

Green Umbrella - DryShield™ Concrete Hardener & Densifier
Green Umbrella - DryShield™ Concrete Hardener & Densifier
Description: FILLING THE VOIDS Green Umbrella® DryShield™ is an environmentally-friendly concrete hardener and densifier. Reaching deep within the subsurface, DryShield creates...

Manufacturer: Green Umbrella

Green Umbrella - HydroShield™ Concrete Hardener & Densifier
Green Umbrella - HydroShield™ Concrete Hardener & Densifier
Description: Resisting Water and Filling the Voids Green Umbrella® HydroShield™ is a concrete hardener and densifier. Reaching deep within the subsurface,...

Green Umbrella - QuickRepel™ Densifier
Green Umbrella - QuickRepel™ Densifier
Description: Quick to Install, Quick to Repel GreenUmbrella® QuickRepel™ is an interior or exterior, insoluble hybrid, nano-densifier treatment that provides...

Manufacturer: Green Umbrella

Green Umbrella - Shield & Enhance™ Hardener
Green Umbrella - Shield & Enhance™ Hardener
Description: RESISTING SALT & TRANSFORMING COLOR Green Umbrella® Shield & Enhance™ is an environmentally formulated premium hardener.

Green Umbrella - Shield & Protect™ Hardener
Green Umbrella - Shield & Protect™ Hardener
Description: RESISTING SALT & WATER Green Umbrella® Shield & Protect™ is an environmentally formulated, premium hardener and concrete surface protectant.

Green Umbrella - Interior MicroFilm™ Concrete Sealer
Green Umbrella - Interior MicroFilm™ Concrete Sealer
Description: DEVELOPING PROFILE CLARITY Green Umbrella® Interior MicroFilm™ is a R.T.U.™ repairable and impregnating micro-treatment for abrasively...

Green Umbrella - Exterior MicroFilm™ Concrete Sealer
Green Umbrella - Exterior MicroFilm™ Concrete Sealer
Description: EASY TO APPLY, QUICK TO CURE, SIMPLE TO MAINTAIN Green Umbrella® Exterior MicroFilm™ is designed to seal and protect decorative surfaces with...

Green Umbrella - ColorShield™ Densifier
Green Umbrella - ColorShield™ Densifier
Description: CONCRETE’S MOST VERSATILE TREATMENT Green Umbrella® ColorShield™ is an interior or exterior color densifier that creates a repairable...

Green Umbrella - NanoDye™ Concrete Colorant
Green Umbrella - NanoDye™ Concrete Colorant
Description: DYE THAT IS VERSATILE TO APPLY Green Umbrella® NanoDye™ concrete colorant is an interior, translucent, subsurface, pH-neutral dye that utilizes...