Flush Metal Partitions, LLC -Flushite Powder Coated Overhead Braced Bathroom Partitions


Flush Metal Powder Coated bathroom partitions are finished with a powder coating in the color selected. After the powder is applied to the partition, using an electrostatic spray process, the part passes through an oven and cures.

Category: cubicles | floor mounted partitions | overheadbraced partitions...

MasterFormat: Interior Specialties | Compartments and Cubicles | Toilet Compartments...

Flush Metal Partitions, LLC
260 Spagnoli Road
Melville, NY 11747
Tel: (631) 768-8301
Fax: (631) 768-8351



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Flushite Powder Coated Overhead Braced Bathroom Partitions

Flush Metal Powder Coated bathroom partitions are finished with a powder coating in the color selected. After the powder is applied to the partition, using an electrostatic spray process, the part passes through an oven and cures, melting the powder into a smooth film on the surface of the partition.

Powder is 100% solid and contains no solvent; therefore, it is an attractive choice over liquid finishing. Powder coatings permit compliance with volatile organic compound standards. Powder coatings offer a harder film than most liquid finishes. A more impervious film which offers excellent corrosion and humidity resistance.


Doors and panels shall be 1″ thick insulated with a sound deadening honeycomb core. Face plates shall be not less than 22 gauge bonderized galvanized steel and shall have a molding interlocking all edges. Door edges shall be welded at intervals around perimeter to insure a rigid unit. Corners shall be welded and ground smooth. Panels available in 20 gauge.


Pilasters shall be 1-1/4″ constructed of 20 gauge bonderized galvanized steel insulated with a sound deadening double faced honeycomb core. Edges shall be welded at intervals around perimeter to insure a rigid unit. Edges to be interlocked with molding, corners to be welded and ground smooth.


Compartment is to be complete with all hardware and fastenings for a complete installation. Hardware to include wrap around door hinges, latch, stop and keeper and coat hook. Lower hinge to be recessed in the door and shall operate on opposing nylon cams. Upper hinge to be recessed in the door and shall operate on a pin anchored above and below the hinge bracket. Latch to be concealed type with emergency access features. All hardware to be Zamac chrome plated.


Wall and U-brackets to be chrome plated. Door strikes and hinges to be fastened by means of “one-way” head tamper proof chrome plated sex bolts. All other screws to be Philips head chrome plated. All pilasters to have a 3″ high stainless steel shoe. Brass and stainless steel hardware available at additional cost.


Partitions shall be cleaned and finish shall consist of highest quality powder coating baked at 350°F to ensure a smooth protective finish.


  • These colors are a close approximation of the actual colors. Contact Flush Metal directly for a color card.
  • Custom colors available at additional cost.

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