Feeney, Inc. -CableRail® Custom Railing Solutions


Our full line of CableRail fittings including Quick-Connect® swageless fittings, as well as Machine Swaged and CableCrimp™ fittings.

Category: architectural railings | handrailings | handrails...

MasterFormat: MetalFastenings | Security Metal Fastenings | Wire Rope Assemblies...

Feeney, Inc.
2603 Union Street
Oakland, CA 94607
Tel: (800) 888-2418
Fax: (510) 893-9484



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CableRail® Custom Railing Solutions

Our full line of CableRail fittings including Quick-Connect® swageless fittings, as well as Machine Swaged and CableCrimp™ fittings.


Quick-Connect® style fittings with automatic-locking jaws are attached to the cable in the field without any tools. The cable end is simply inserted into the fitting and the spring-loaded one-way jaws grab and lock on. If necessary, a reusable release tool can be used to disengage and remove or readjust the fitting.

Machine Swage & CableCrimp Fittings

Machine swage fittings are attached to the cable at our factory using a hydraulic cold forming press. The swage shank portion of the fitting is pressed on to the end of the cable and has a uniform hexagonal shape when finished. Assemblies using Machine Swage type fittings are fabricated to your exact lengths in our factory and then shipped ready to install.

CableCrimp style fittings are attached to the cable by hand in the field using a special CambleCrimp Hand Crimper tool. After proper crimping, the fitting will display several evenly spaced compression marks where the tool was engaged. Most 1/8” and 3/16” cable fittings are available in CableCrimp styles.

Bulk Cable

316-Grade Stainless Steel

The usual choices for railings and architectural applications are uncoated 1/8-inch, 3/16-inch, and 1/4-inch diameter 1x19 and 7x7 cables of 316-grade stainless steel. The reasons: versatility, aesthetics, low maintenance, longevity, and high abrasion resistance.

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