Delta Scientific Corporation -HD2055 Wedge Barricade - M50/P1 Crash Rated Barrier


The HD2055 electromechanicallycontrolled anti-terrorist barricade decisively stops 15,000 pound (6,803 kg) vehicles traveling at 51 (82 kph) in a recent crash test conducted by an independent testing laboratory.

Category: barricades | crash rated vehicle barriers | security barriers...

MasterFormat: Roadway Construction | Vehicle Barriers | Vehicle Crash Barriers

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HD2055 Wedge Barricade - M50/P1 Crash Rated Barrier

Crash Test Barricade System for Shallow Foundations

ASTM M50/P1 Crash Rated Modular Barrier System

Installation Design: Shallow Mount Barrier
Model #: HD2055

The HD2055 electromechanically controlled anti-terrorist barricade decisively stops 15,000 pound (6,803 kg) vehicles traveling at 51 (82 kph) in a recent crash test conducted by an independent testing laboratory. The HD2055 barricades not only stopped the vehicle but contained the test load representing the bombs strapped to the truck bed. The crash test result showed a less than zero penetration.

“Significantly, the operating mechanism and cams were all intact and reusable after the dramatic crash test,” emphasizes David Dickinson, Senior Vice President of Delta Scientific. “This level of survival is normally only seen with hydraulic barricade systems.”

The new HD2055 high security barricade features a easy-to -install shallow foundation with an environmentally-friendly electromechanical actuator which utilizes a sophisticated cam design that accelerates and de-accelerates the barrier road plate during raising and lowering. This reduces the lifting and closing force down to zero at the end of each stroke, dramatically increasing the life of the lifting mechanism.

The shallow foundation also obviates the concerns of interference with buried pipes, power lines and fiber optic communication lines. The HD2055 is perfect for high water table locations and areas with corrosive soils. It provides low maintenance as all components are accessible from the sides or top of the barrier.

As with its hydraulic designs, the electromechanical HD2055 can be deployed as a single barricade in a narrow lane application or in extended arrays which cover wide roadways. Each HD2055 barricade can be open or closed individually or as a group to allow the passage of both small or large vehicles.

Like other Delta Scientific products, the HD2055 can be remotely controlled via fiber optics, touch screen control panels, NEMA rated control button panels and simple key switches.

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